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This Week: The Fourth Best Indiana Jones Movie

What has everyone been watching lately? I haven’t watched a ton of TV outside of football or football-related true crime. I have a few things coming out around Valentine’s Day that I’m really excited about, though, like The Gorge for Apple TV. I’m always a sucker for Anya Taylor-Joy.

Mikey Heinrich: I've been toying with the idea of a Legends of Tomorrow re-watch. Would anyone else be up for that?

Morella: I watched It Came From Outer Space again recently, but mostly been gaming; Marvel Rivals, Cube Chaos, Rogue Command, and playing through Blood again on the video game front, with Keep the Heroes Out, Pirates of Maricabao, and Wonderlands War as far as board games. We have a 24 hour board game meetup at Hobby Knights this Saturday that I'll be going to, even got Monday off just in case!

sunbunny: Late to the party on this, but I watched Dark for the first time over the last month. It was such a trip, and got a little OTT towards the end, but it was one of the best sci-fis I’ve seen in a long time. The ending was also one of my favorite endings for a series, maybe ever?

Mark Greig: I watched Spielberg's Tintin movie on a whim and thought it was okay, a bit too uncanny valley, and yet probably the fourth best Indiana Jones movie he directed, but it made be curious to revisit the 90s animated series. I hadn't watched that since I was a kid and was surprised to see that it mostly held up well, except for the bits from the books that were seriously dated even back then. It certainly handled Captain Haddock better than the movie, which for some strange reason felt he needed to be as bumbling as Thomson and Thompson.

Mikey Heinrich: I keep seeing all these negative reactions to Section 31, and I genuinely don't understand it. I watched it and found it perfectly enjoyable. I don't have a lot to say about it, but I didn't think it was bad. What's up with all the hate it's getting?

Victoria Grossack: I have been super busy with some work stuff, but have watched the first two seasons of Departure, about a woman who investigates crashes. The first season was about a plane crash, the second season about a train crash. There's a third season but it's not yet available on Netflix in my current market.

An Honest Fangirl: Wide range of stuff this week! I low key love how diverse it gets, especially when it comes to stuff that we don’t cover here on the site.

Mikey, I’d be tentatively into a Legends rewatch. I only saw the first season, outside of a handful of Constantine episodes.

Mothra: I watched the second episode of Severance season two, which I'm hoping to review soon. I'm also still slowly working on my Buffy rewatch. I am very excited to have made it to season four, which has a number of my favorite episodes. I'm halfway through "Hush"!

Mikey Heinrich: I finally finished watching the original run of Dexter so I can finally watch the new series.

An Honest Fangirl: And that's it from us this week! What are you watching, readers?


  1. I'll agree that Section 31 was not bad. It was loathsome.

  2. I went ahead and dove into legends of Tomorrow (although I'll totally start over again if anyone wants to do it together) season one is so much better than I remember

  3. I've actually been watching Northern Exposure, which is a show I watched occasionally when it was on. I was beginning to wonder why I was bothering while watching season 1, which was very Joel-centric...and then I saw the last episode of the season (Aurora Borealis: A Fairy Tale for Grownups) and remaindered what I liked about the series.

    While some great shows were born in that time (The X-Files, The Simpsons, Twin Peaks, Star Trek: DS9), I can't help thinking how much I don't want to go back to the TV landscape of the early 90's. A Native American character played by an actual Native American, and a gay kiss were seen as groundbreaking at the time, which is mindboggling now. Sadly, I fear we may be moving back to that.

  4. My guilty pleasure right now is 'School spirits', which has its twists and turns and is so much more than just another supernatural high school show.
    I really like 'High potential'. I think I watch it because of Drew Goddard (like I watch 'Tracker' because of Justin Hartley). I like the clever writing.
    I really enjoyed 'Silo' season 2. This sci-fi series seems to be under the radar for most people, but I can really recommend it.
    Have yet to see ST:Section 31, so verdict is not out yet...


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