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Alias: Fait Accompli

Marshall: "Is anyone else having deja vu here? I mean, first Sloane is good, then he's bad, now he's good again?"

Poor Sloane can't win for losing. He confessed to Jack. He proved that he had truly reformed. He helped take down Dean. And he immediately found himself back in solid with the bad guys. I actually felt sorry for him. At least Nadia is closer to a cure and Dean is certainly no loss to anyone, although it would have been nice if he'd been able to give them more answers before Sloane took him down.

The big news is that the twelve nodes that make up Prophet Five appear to be inside legitimate governments. Sort of like the Alliance, but embedded? And while Dean might be dead, we appear to have a more highly placed new player: Angus Whats-his-face. At least Amy Acker is still with us, and she even got promoted.

Gordon Dean being subjected to Flinkmanized LSD and Twisted Sister had its amusing aspects. When Marshall said that someone had to comfort Dean, Jack and Sydney looked at each other like they'd bitten into tin foil.

Finally, Rachel got to take down Dean all by herself. Good for her.

Sydney: "What's he doing?"
Rachel: "Eating dirt. I just hit him with a shovel."
Sydney: "A shovel? Is he conscious?"
Rachel: "Yeah, I think so."
Sydney: "Then hit him again."

Bits and pieces:

— I don't know how I missed it, but the Rambaldi symbol is back in the credits this season, this time on Balthazar Getty's card. Why Tom Grace? Why not Jack again?

— It's confirmed: Tom's code name is Sidewinder, and Rachel's is Oracle. Interesting choices there. Did they pick Oracle because she's the one that brought them to Dean?

— Sydney ran into one of her old profs from season one in Rome. At least he didn't show up sooner and blow her cover.

— Loved the key template thingy. Is that even possible?

— That scene at the end with the crib? Priceless.


Dixon: "Several exit strategies, a large crowd to blend in with..."
Marshall: "That, or maybe he's got Lollipop in the second."

Sydney: "Excuse me, mama coming through. Watch out. Don't jostle the package."

Dean: "They insisted I kill Michael Vaughn. I can help you defeat them, but you have to hurry. They have plans for you."
That doesn't sound good.

This week's...

... itinerary: the University in Rome, a racetrack in Dubai, a rooftop in Seattle, and Santa Monica Pier.

... language skills: Sydney did Italian.

... hot look: How does Jennifer Garner still manage to look hot, even though her outfits are much bigger? I think I liked the blue racetrack outfit better than the blond get-up in Rome.

Fun episode, although I'm actually more excited about the preview for the next episode, airing December 7th. Sark returns!

Two out of four spies,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

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