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Alias: Unveiled

Weiss (to Sydney): "Do you think she's the mole, or do you just want her to be the mole?"

Lauren has absolutely incredible nerve. Telling Vaughn that he has no idea what it's like to be betrayed by someone he loves? And why did she look back at Sydney in the club? Dan thought that Lauren actually wanted Sydney to see her and blow her cover.

More questions. Does Sark really care about Lauren (yeah, right) or does he have another agenda? Why the parking garage if all he wanted to do was warn her? If it was to fool anyone watching them, it would definitely give it away when he didn't kill her, after all. Trust him? He must be kidding.

So "Irine" means peace? There were mondo hints that the Passenger is Irina, but it just doesn't work. Why would the doctor want to keep Irina safe, and die to protect her? Irina can take care of herself, after all. And why would seeing Sydney, the prophecy, make him want to kill her? A couple of weeks ago, there was a casting blurb in the Sci-Fi Wire about a new continuing character on Alias. I won't say more in case you didn't see it, but I'm betting that the Passenger is someone related to Sydney and Jack that we haven't seen yet.

Dixon wants Sloane to die, which is no surprise. (I almost expected Dixon to do an Inigo Montoya, "My name is Marcus Dixon. You killed my wife. Prepare to die.") But now, Jack wants it even more. If I were Sloane, and I knew that Jack knew, I'd be shaking in my boots.

Bits and pieces:

— We have yet another player: the Trust, an organization inside the U.S. government, covered by Project Centigrade. Something to do with global warming, maybe?

— The Jack/Vaughn I-had-a-traitor-for-a-wife scene was my favorite. "Lauren is not Irina, and I am definitely not you." But in fact, they sort of are, aren't they?

— The DeReino heart and how Sloane got it was in season two. So was the guy that Jack went to for info.

— Loved the fight with Sydney kicking the globe and her opponent wielding a mace.

— Is it me, or does Jennifer Garner look too thin?

— Did Lauren do an off camera ear-ectomy on the doctor? Does this show love Tarantino, or what?

— Marshall's hacker alias is... Black Kitty?

— A Berlin safe house with no peep hole in the door? For that matter, what's with the trap door in the panic room? I thought that being completely secure was the point of a panic room.

This week's...

... itinerary: touristy hot spots like Florence, Milan, Berlin.

... hot look: I have to go with Vaughn's goth/punk look. He so rarely gets to do costumes, and he was soooo cute. Second place goes to Bomani's pink shirt/red tie combo.

Definitely better than the last few. Three out of four spies,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. "Lauren has absolutely incredible nerve. Telling Vaughn that he has no idea what it's like to be betrayed by someone he loves? And why did she look back at Sydney in the club? Dan thought that Lauren actually wanted Sydney to see her and blow her cover."

    That's a really good question. They've been inconsistent with Lauren's characterization: sometimes she seems horribly cold, even psychopathic. Other times she seems to be motivated by regret (which could be a reason for looking back in the club).

  2. Another good question is why did Lauren take her wig, gun and fake passport back to the home she shares with Vaughn. Surely, the Covenant can provide her with storage space.


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