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Six Feet Under: The Rainbow of Her Reasons

Nate: "My first love just died."
Billy: "Seriously?"

And now Nate's first love just fell off a cliff. Could we get some more foreshadowing, maybe? Geez Louise.

What I enjoyed the most about this one was Sarah going through practically every stage of grief in about five minutes, and the wonderfully spiritual and touching impromptu ceremony the women gave Fiona in the basement. Singing "Calling all Angels" around Fiona's body felt like something everyone should do. It felt so real, so appropriate. And Ruth was so happy for the first time in a long time. Although she didn't seem all that happy when George realized what she had done to him, and set her free.

Even though the women took center stage, Nate was the one who was actually in mourning. We finally heard the whole story about Nate and Fiona, oddly enough, when Nate told it all to Billy. Who was egotistical and clueless enough to ask Nate to help him get Claire back. Yeah, that'll happen.

Nate and Maggie promised not to lie to each other. And then he told her he was alone with Maya, an unspoken invitation to come by and have sex. Which she didn't. He's not cheating yet, but you can just feel it coming. His second marriage is about to implode, just like his first did. That's so sad. Maybe Nate is just one of those men who can't commit.

So apparently, David has indeed turned into his mother, and Keith is turning into his father. Funny how we all seem to do that. Keith wanted the boys under control, while David just wanted to love them and make them happy. Obviously, they need to find some sort of balance. Fortunately for Anthony and Durrell, David won again. You wouldn't think so, but David is definitely the power in that relationship. Let's hope angry Durrell doesn't ruin Anthony's chance at a real family.

Claire's "Office Space" adventures in corporate America were this episode's comic relief. Her heartfelt rendition of "You ride up my thighs" has to be my favorite musical fantasy number in the series. At least Ruth doesn't hate Claire any more. I'm sure that had nothing to do with the fact that Claire finally got a job, she said sarcastically.


— The old table was back in the kitchen. George's never did quite fit, much like George. And George discovered the truth because Ruth wouldn't bring her pots and pans along. Again with Ruth expressing her control freakness with food.

— Nate's first love died. His love for Brenda also seems to be dying.

— Brenda was talking about being around to catch Billy from going off the edge. She meant figuratively. Fiona did it literally.

— Sarah told Claire that maybe Claire wasn't an artist, after all. That felt a lot like reverse psychology to me.

— More comic relief, as Vanessa fired a naive Canadian au pair because she was kind to the homeless. (Maybe the au pair should have moved to David and Keith's.) And Vanessa just took Rico back, but for all the wrong reasons.

And pieces:

— "Fiona Lenore Kleinschmidt, 1952-2005." She never got to see that perfect view.

— I read somewhere that Lauren Ambrose has an operatic-caliber voice, so I'm assuming she did her own singing.

— One of the "circle the wagon" guests was Susie Bright, the feminist sex writer. This was a cameo, not a part. Susie Bright actually is a feminist sex writer.

— Angelica got a sitcom. Which proves that life isn't fair.


Rico: "It's like the second person you've known..."
Nate: "I know. This just must be the time when everyone's dying."
Deaths come in threes. I'm just saying. That was two.

Brenda: "He's completely oblivious to the fact that we're all just exhausted. They should call it 'bipolar asshole disorder'."

Ruth: "I made a plan with my new friends at knitting. First, get him set up in his own place, sort of pad the landing as it were, and then..."
Bettina: "Parachute out of there?"

Bettina: "So. Who gets to speak at the service about Fiona's penchant for ushering young boys into manhood?"
Sarah: "Bettina, that was once."
Bettina: "Hey, that's the one thing I really admired her for."

Sarah: "You say there's a reason Grandma lost her legs, and there's a reason there's a war, and tsunamis. And there's a reason George fucking Bush got reelected! Shit goes wrong 'cause there's evil in the world. Like me!"

Ruth: "You were blaming yourself."
Sarah: "I don't know why I do that. It's so narcissistic, you know. I am the asshole at the center of the universe. Forgetting how vast the universe is, and how nothing is in our control."

Claire: "I don't understand how having your legs sheathed in this like smooth plastic Barbie leg, like, encased in a sausage casing would help you do your job better. Doesn't it seem sexist that it's a regulation only for women?"
Female office worker: "Men have to wear ties."
Claire: "Right, but they don't suffocate you. And it's not on their penis."
Female office worker: "I'm gonna go wash out some mugs."

Claire: "You guys have papers?"
Ruth: "They were actually hoping for a bong."
I love the word bong. Every line with the word bong in it tends to be funny.

Nate: "Fiona let me see all of her. And I just loved her."

George: "I loved you. You loved me. That was a good thing. Now it's changed. So consider yourself free."

And for your reading enjoyment, to the tune of "You Light Up My Life":

... I've moved on with my life
Could it be actually I'm wearing these clothes?
I've never been this fucking uncomfortable
Never again to wear pantyhose
'Cause you ride up my thighs
You're tight on my ass
You climb up my crotch
You ruin my day and fill my soul
You fill my soul with hate
It can't be right when they feel so tight
'Cause you ride up my thighs

I'm tempted to give this one four stars. I've been giving SFU a lot of four stars. You know, so be it. Four stars,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. That basement singing scene gave me the goose bumps. Beautiful.

  2. Replies
    1. According to IMDb, it was Lee Garlington.



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