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Smallville: Jitters

Jonathan: "Where were you?"
Clark: "At the hospital."
Martha: "That's it. I'm never leaving home again."

Another meteor freak. This time, it was Earl, a poor schmuck friend of the Kents having super seizures that he claims were caused by experiments on level three of the Luthorcorp plant. Except there is no level three. No, wait, yes there is... but it's empty.

Lionel was back, and of course, he was behind it all; they were secretly growing K-enhanced corn. Note how Lionel constantly competes with his own son. That's not healthy.

That final scene was just fascinating. Lionel was holding Lex in his arms, sort of gingerly, and obviously without real affection. Lex was staring intently at Jonathan and Martha, who were holding Clark. Perhaps Lex's obsession with being Clark's best friend is just a manifestation of Lex's jealousy. Lex may be rich and powerful, but he wants what Clark has. He wants someone to love him.

Bits and pieces:

— We met Gabe Sullivan, Luthercorp plant manager and Chloe's dad. And Lionel met the Kents, although he implied he'd met them before.

— Using superspeed for a vomit bucket? :)

— Clark got thrown across a room and through a window.

— Lex was wearing a purple shirt. He can carry it off.

— Pointless digression. I like Tony Todd because I saw him at a con a few years ago and he was just a terrific guest.

Two and a half? Three stars?

Billie Doux had a love-hate relationship with Smallville, which is why some of her reviews are briefer than they should be.

1 comment:

  1. "Perhaps Lex's obsession with being Clark's best friend is just a manifestation of Lex's jealousy. Lex may be rich and powerful, but he wants what Clark has. He wants someone to love him."

    I have a lot of thoughts on this, but it's too early in the series to go into them now. I'll save them for further down the road. Short answer -- my God, yes.

    A fairly standard first season outing. My vote would be two and half Lex stares.


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