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Supernatural, one more time

I liked the second episode better than the first.

Leaving aside the wendigo and the grue, which wasn't all that bad, I again found myself very much liking Jensen Ackles. I liked the M&Ms, the white meat comment, and the way he "spoiled the moment" at the end. If I were a writer on Supernatural, he's the character I'd be writing for. And if this series catches on, it'll be because of him.

Dan and I are zipping through the last season of Smallville via the immersion method (DVDs) and I just learned from a commentary that Ackles was the runner-up after Tom Welling to play Clark. I like Welling just fine, but I'm almost sorry Ackles didn't get the part.


  1. I'm glad someone else liked the "spoiled the moment" bit...I loved his response to that. Dean is a great character on the show.

    It would have been nice to see Ackles as Clark, I do have to agree there. :)

  2. Jensen Ackles also played Ben on a first season episode of Dark Angel and then returned as his own twin (and a series regular) for the second season. He was one of the very few good things of that second season, his character being very similar to the one on Supernatural

  3. Jensen Ackles as Clark would have been interesting. He seems to be a slightly better actor than Tom Welling but I don't eally see him as the farm boy next door type. Plus in the looks department Welling is just too HOT for words.


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