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Summer guest book

Here's my guest book for summer, 2007. Feel free to check in, say hi, leave me feedback, tell me what shows you're looking forward to next fall. I always read every comment posted on my blog.


  1. On the subject of Veronica Mars: The reason that Rob Thomas gave for ending the season on a cliffhanger was that he 'didn’t want to make it easy for the CW to cancel the show.' Seems like flawed logic to me, due to networks only caring about money.

    Apparently there’s been some discussion about bringing Veronica Mars to the big screen, but I’m not going to get my hopes up.

  2. HAve you all heard about the Bars for Mars campaign? Apparently they have until June 15th before all hope is lost. (Although with shows like "Farmer Wants a Wife" appearing on their line-up, maybe we should abandon ALL hope.)

    Anyway, the Bars for Mars campaign asks for all fans of the show band together and flood the mailrooms of The CW with actual "Mars" chocolate bar wrappers to show their dedication and loyalty for "Veronica Mars". Hundreds and hundreds of wrappers have already been sent to CW offices, and more are to follow.

    Hope, or foolishness?

  3. I've been ready your reviews for a couple of years now and thought it was about time to thank you for you extremely excellent work.
    You review all my favourite shows, thanks for reviewing supernatural I was hoping you would.
    Thank you again for your reviewing you're spot on.You're my favourite reviewer keep up the excellent work your a star

  4. Jason Dohring is apparently signed on to play a vampire in Moonlight. Since David Greenwalt is going to be an executive producer, it might actually be a show to watch...

  5. Hey Im going to start watching Supernatural. I'm going to try and get caught up b4 the season starts. I've been watching Veronica Mars since the pilot episode and the series finale was such a disappointment. I don't even fully blame the writers, I blame the CW. For that reason I didn't even want to get into any of their shows but One Tree Hill and Supernatural reeled me in. I would love to get into Supernatural discussions with you. You always have such great insight.

  6. Hello, i'm Chema, from Spain. I have spent the past month watching the three seasons of Veronica Mars in a row (3-4 episodes a day) and must say that half the fun was reading your excellent reviews after each episode. You are absolutely right: what a great show, and what an horrendous way to finish it. I think that Veronica Mars still had so much dramatic potential (so much "epic love") to explore...

  7. Hi Billie!
    I missed the original airing of Nikita aswell. I may have watched four or five episodes like seven years ago occasionally on german television... liked it but completely forgot about it later.
    Just a couple of weeks ago as I watched old WWF Raw shows from 1997 where they were advertising for La Femme Nikita (which aired always right after Raw is War on USA Network) I started to remember how I enjoyed these few moments so I ran out and got the first season just to fall in love with it :)
    I first read one of your reviews when I was looking on tv.com for the name of the actor that played George Hardin in Charity (the guy with these homeless shelters in episode 4) and from then on I always read your reviews after watching another episode. I just love your style of reviewing and you are mentioning so many details I wouldn't recognize otherwise (like the colors Nikita and the others are wearing... didn't notice that before).
    Well, I just watched episode 14 (season 1) and I'm really looking forward to watching the rest of this and all the other seasons aswell as reading your reviews!!
    Great thanks for your work there I really appreciate it!

  8. Hi there!

    Have you seen the cover for the Angel comic? http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/0708/13/idwnov.htm

    And that "Angel: After The Fall #1 gets November release date"

    It's at least something!

  9. Ok - Billie, I can't hold myself any longer. I first contacted you on June 11th and really wasn't waiting for an answer. I've been browsing your Nikita site since last April and do it everyday because I'm watching, for the first time, the show on reruns at a cable TV channel.
    What happens is that I have lots to talk about this show, which I enjoy very much, but have no one to talk to. Not one of my friends is watching it now (or watched it before), so I feel very lonely and bursting with sensations and commentaries that I would like to share. But, if you can't contact me, I shouldn't get the bonding and the response that I need, especially considering that it's been over for 6 years! There is so much I want to know (and I know you looked over a lot of things concerning it when you got hooked) and so much I want to share, but gotta chat about it. Anyway, give me a clue of what to do. Should I write directly to your email? Will you answer me? Please do. I'm a kind of soul mate, see? Hope you're well and in full throttle.
    Thanks for everything.


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