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J'en Suis!

Also known as Heads or Tails
In French, with English subtitles (1997)

Dominique: "I'm not oriented. I'm disoriented."

This is a politically incorrect and occasionally embarrassing sex farce. Fortunately, it has a few redeeming qualities.

Roy Dupuis plays Dominique Samson, an overextended businessman desperate for money. He finds the perfect job that will solve all of his problems, but there's a catch: the boss will only hire a gay man. Dominique, who is straight, married, and has kids, decides on the spot that playing gay is his only viable option.

As Dominique reluctantly immerses himself in the gay lifestyle, his masquerade leads to the predictable misunderstandings with his wife, as well as a state of confusion about his own sexual orientation. The scenes I enjoyed the most were Dominique with his straight best friend, Pierre (Patrick Huard), who masquerades as Dominique's boyfriend. Unfortunately, a lot of the gay content goes overboard into caricature, although I believe it was kindly meant. And the ending is extremely trite.

The best part of this movie is Roy himself, no question about it. He is funny and charming and – a big plus – in nearly every scene. And in the eye candy arena, this film is definitely the Superbowl. There's Roy in gorgeous and/or interesting clothes, Roy doing Greco-Roman wrestling with Patrick Huard, several explicit (hetero) love scenes, a couple of shower scenes, and yes, the full Monty. And I can promise you that you'll never look at a laundry cart the same way again.

Fun, but definitely not for the whole family. Two out of four stars,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

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