Also known as Les nuits de Montreal
In French (2004)
Roy Dupuis stars as jazz pianist Jack Paradise in this well-intentioned but poorly realized biopic.
The movie is visually striking, and the music is good. The acting is certainly first rate. I thought Roy did a fine job, especially with the piano work, although somehow he didn't feel quite right for the part. I wanted to like this movie. Why didn't it work for me?
I thought a lot about it and decided it was because not a lot happened. It was surprisingly dull, considering the subject matter. Jazz pianist. Grew up, got to do what he loved, eventually moved to New York with his lover. That's not a plot, it's an anecdote.
I was never sure where the movie was going, and I didn't care much when it got there.
Two out of four stars,
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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