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NewsFlash: Joss Whedon to direct Glee

According to Ausiello over at ew.com, Joss Whedon has agreed to direct an episode of Glee. The episode will come in the later half of the season, and so will not conflict with Dollhouse filming. In the words of Xander: "I will see your woo, and raise you a hoo.


  1. I've seen lots of people on Twitter saying that now they'll have to watch Glee and its become a trending topic, which is odd for a show on a night it doesn't air.

  2. Doesn't this scare anybody? Does this mean there won't be a back 9 on Dollhouse?

  3. Joss said on Whedonesque that if there's a back 9, which he's hoping for, he'll still have time to direct an episode of Glee.

  4. SQUEEEE!!! It's like my dream come true. Now all I need is to meet a guy that looks exactly like Eric on True Blood and I can die happy!

    I would, of course, continue to review Glee from the grave.


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