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Heroes: Shadowboxing

The Haitian finally has a name: Rene. It's about time. Actually, it's really late.

The best part of this one was (again) Sylar and Matt wrestling for control of Matt's body and playing dirty mind tricks on each other. I was rather proud of Matt being willing to die in order to stop Sylar. (Not that I think Matt will die -- not with a healer and an immortal with magic blood in the cast.) By the time Matt is back in control, he's going to be wanted for every crime under the sun. Unless he mind controls everyone he meets from now on.

Claire left Gretchen alone, armed only with a plastic bottle of baby powder to use against invisible murderous psychopaths. I'm not surprised that the lesbian subplot is already over, because I would have left that dorm room permanently, too. Maybe Samuel's way really is the only way. I don't see how a killer supe like Becky can be successfully integrated into society.

As much as I enjoy seeing Peter saving lives and exploring new powers (and I do), the segments with our Italian eagle scout and Emma didn't seem to have much of a point. Other than Peter getting her over her withdrawal from life after her nephew's death, and practicing medicine again. Okay, maybe that was the point. Is this subplot over, now?

One thing Heroes has done better this season is concentrating on maybe three plots per episode instead of a dozen. I wish they'd done it much sooner.

Postscript. There have been a zillion articles on the internet in the past week about something that is going to happen on Heroes. I did see them, much against my will, and I know what the spoiler is. Please don't post anything about it in the comments so that we don't spoil everyone who didn't see the articles. Thanks.

Post postscript. I really liked the white shirt that Claire was wearing. I want it.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. Ah, I didn't actually believe it when I heard Claire say it, I thought she was just referring to the Haitian by some other term. Unlike Noah's name revelation way way back this one felt so offhand (though both times I misheard what the name was).

  2. I am visiting "Heroes'" fourth season just now, cause I couldn't put myself to start watching it earlier.
    And I gotta say I like the way this season is going. The show is not in it's best form, but it still has some really enjoyable moments.

    I am actually writing this, because I wanted to say something about Haitan's name and it not being mentioned before.
    I have a strong feeling that it was used before, somewhere in the third season. I think it was either in the "Eclipse" episodes or the finale. I'm not sure when exactly, but I have a strong feeling it was used. I even think that you've also mentioned it in one of your reviews.

    Not that it matters now, just wanted to post my thoughts on the subject. ;)


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