Season 1 | Season 2 |
Season 3 | Season 4 |
Articles | Cast
Heroes (2006-2010) is about ordinary people with extraordinary powers. An indestructible cheerleader. A mind-reading cop. An office worker who can bend time and space. A politician who can fly.
When it began, Heroes was innovative and engrossing. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to its initial promise, and slowly succumbed to muddy plotting and repeated character assassination. I tried to hang in there but couldn't make myself complete reviews of the final few episodes of the final season; I stopped with episode 4.12, "The Fifth Stage." Rather than leave the final few episodes of the series without reviews, I put together posts consisting of quotes from other reviews along with links. Just so you know.
We did not cover the reboot, Heroes Reborn.
Season One
1.1 Genesis
1.2 Don't Look Back
1.3 One Giant Leap
1.4 Collision
1.5 Hiros
1.6 Better Halves
1.7 Nothing to Hide
1.8 Seven Minutes to Midnight
1.9 Homecoming
1.10 Six Months Ago
1.11 Fallout
1.12 Godsend
1.13 The Fix
1.14 Distractions
1.15 Run!
1.16 Unexpected
1.17 Company Man
1.18 Parasite
1.19 .07%
1.20 Five Years Gone
1.21 The Hard Part
1.22 Landslide
1.23 How to Stop an Exploding Man
Season Two
2.1 Four Months Later...
2.2 Lizards
2.3 Kindred
2.4 The Kindness of Strangers
2.5 Fight or Flight
2.6 The Line
2.7 Out of Time
2.8 Four Months Ago...
2.9 Cautionary Tales
2.10 Truth & Consequences
2.11 Powerless
Season Three
3.1 The Second Coming
3.2 The Butterfly Effect
3.3 One of Us, One of Them
3.4 I Am Become Death
3.5 Angels and Monsters
3.6 Dying of the Light
3.7 Eris Quod Sum
3.8 Villains
3.9 It's Coming
3.10 The Eclipse, Part 1
3.11 The Eclipse, Part 2
3.12 Our Father
3.13 Dual
3.14 A Clear and Present Danger
3.15 Trust and Blood
3.16 Building 26
3.17 Cold Wars
3.18 Exposed
3.19 Shades of Gray
3.20 Cold Snap
3.21 Into Asylum
3.22 Turn and Face the Strange
3.23 1961
3.24 I am Sylar
3.25 An Invisible Thread
Season Four
4.1 & 4.2 Orientation--Jump, Push, Fall
4.3 Ink
4.4 Acceptance
4.5 Hysterical Blindness
4.6 Tabula Rasa
4.7 Strange Attractors
4.8 Once Upon a Time in Texas
4.9 Shadowboxing
4.10 Brother's Keeper
4.11 Thanksgiving
4.12 The Fifth Stage
4.13 & 4.14 Upon This Rock/Let It Bleed
4.15 Close to You
4.16 Pass/Fail
4.17 The Art of Deception
4.18 The Wall
4.19 Brave New World
About Heroes... by Billie Doux
Heroes webisode reviews by Paul Kelly
Has Heroes Jumped the Extremely Large Marine Predator? by Billie Doux
Jack Coleman (Noah Bennet)
Hayden Panettiere (Claire Bennet)
Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli)
Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura)
Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh)
James Kyson-Lee (Ando Masahashi)
Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli)
Zachary Quinto (Sylar)
Greg Grunberg (Matt Parkman)
Ali Larter (Niki Sanders)
Cristine Rose (Angela Petrelli)
Ashley Crow (Sandra Bennet)
Jimmy Jean-Louis (The Haitian)