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NewsFlash: Smallville finale news

Will he or won't he come back for the finale? That's been the question about Michael Rosenbaum's Lex Luthor, whose struggle with darkness was the main reason I got into Smallville in the first place. It hasn't been the same since his departure, and since the tenth season has been so good so far and John Glover (Lionel Luthor) has returned, I've been hoping Rosenbaum would relent and return for the end.

And guess what? It was just announced that Rosenbaum is indeed returning for the two hour Smallville series finale. What's interesting is that yesterday, I saw an article on EW that said Rosenbaum would *not* return. What happened? Did he see all the bad press it generated and change his mind?

Whatever. I'm just happy he's back because how could they end Smallville without him?


  1. Terrific news. It would’ve been a massive disappointment if Michael Rosenbaum hadn’t returned for the series finale. I only hope that his role is more than just a five second cameo.

  2. The EW article was pure nonsense. Rosenbaum isn't returning says "a knowledgeable source"? Who's that then? Whoever is was, they clearly weren't knowledgeable.

    I think they've known all along that Rosenbaum would return. Either that or he's been negotiating his fee. Whatever's the case, I'm totally stoked about Lex's return. Here's hoping for a strong last half of the series.

  3. I was so disappointed when the earlier piece of news came out saying he wasn't returning - it seems to trivial for him not to, because it IS just a short guest-star stint, and it's for the show that made him big! Then luckily he confirmed himself that he's coming back. And with this week's episode, well...it just feels awesome.


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