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NewsFlash: Fringe Renewed for Fourth Season

Great news, Fringe Fans: Fox has renewed Fringe for a fourth season of 22 episodes.

Maybe this means my greatest wish will be granted, and Walter will discover the most important dimension of all: the world of nothing but shrimp.


  1. I'll sleep happier today knowing this.


  2. I'm very happy for all the Fringe fans! With the ratings situation, the chances for renewal were looking pretty bleak. After the Dollhouse second season renewal and now this, perhaps we'll have to be more hesitant with our "FOX kills genre shows" talk. :)

    Now I'm even more eager to get caught up on this show. I hope they release the 3rd season on DVD at least a couple weeks before the 4th season premieres!

  3. I confess. I'm not watching Fringe. I watched and reviewed the first two episodes and was completely turned off and grossed out. I tried again this season (okay, Dan was watching it, he loves Fringe, so I decided to give it a shot) and it completely turned me off and grossed me out again. (It was "Marionette.")

    So now what do I do? I know this show is good because Josie says it is. Are there episodes that do not contain extreme ick, or is it par for the course? Do I just accept that Fringe exceeds my grossout level and stop trying?

  4. It's hard to predict of course, because the ick-factor is definately part of the DNA of the show (and I'm not a huge fan of that either) - but it has gotten a LOT less extreme then in the first season. Probably why I only really started liking the show in its second season.

    And you picking "Marionette" as the one episode to give it another try, that is a very good example of Murphy's law :-D That was indeed one of the most icky episodes of the season.


  5. Yay, this is wonderful news indeed!

    @Billie - I don't find the ick-factor to be that much worse than on Supernatural. However, 'Marionette' was unfortunately a rather extreme example.

  6. Hallelujah! This is wonderful news to wake up to. You’ve just made my day, Josie.

    Billie, I have just two words for you; ‘White Tulip’. I guarantee it’ll make you cry. Plus, it has Robocop.

  7. @cleonice

    I slept worse...I was too excited to sleep!

  8. Yay! Thanks for the good news, Josie.

    Billie, your catching "Marionette" of all episodes really is a case of major bad luck. Even as a longtime horror fan and Fringe fan, I was severely put off by that episode's gratuitous gross-out moments.

    As Onanymous points out, the average level of violence on Fringe is considerably lower than on Supernatural. I must say I'm tickled to no end that you remain (understandably) squeamish about onscreen gore, yet your #1 show last year gave us that spectacularly disgusting Famine episode, "My Bloody Valentine".

  9. I'm nothing if not inconsistent.

    Honestly, it took a long time for Supernatural to hook me, and I kept thinking I was going to drop it because of the grue. And then the creativity of the show and Jensen Ackles just won me over. It also might be because horror grue is usually unrealistic, making it easier for me to handle than medical-related grue. I remember watching that operation in the second episode and thinking, that's it, baby, no more Fringe for me.

    Dan loves it, though, and Josie is reviewing it, which is always a big plus for me, so I might try it again. Maybe this summer before True Blood and Torchwood.

  10. Billie,

    Obviously I enjoy Fringe. It is a beautifully crafted show with beautiful people, interesting ideas, and a cow. How could I not like it?

    I'd bet dollars to donuts that you would enjoy the SF elements. There is less gore by the second season, and substantially less by the third. I am no longer afraid to eat dinner while watching.

    However, I think you and I both value shows that somehow manage to create deep emotional engagements with the characters. (I'm currently re-reading your Buffy Season Five and Season Six reviews, so that's what I'm thinking of as I attempt to read your mind.)

    Captains Jack and Mal, Spike, Willow, Dean Winchester, Damon, Caroline...I love certain shows because I develop a huge affective investment in particular characters. I miss them when they're not around. I care about the trials they face and the relationships they form.

    Fringe is great TV, but I don't care passionately about any of the characters. I wouldn't want to see the heroes killed off, of course. But it wouldn't be a three-hanky event for me. It wouldn't be that moment in Torchwood, or the unbearable sadness of parts of "Out of Gas," the last moments of Buffy Season Six, or the drawn-out glee of Caroline's development in Season Two.

    So I think you would like Fringe, but I don't think you would love it. Then again, I might be wrong about the whole character-investment thing. I have been wrong before.


    It was awful. I blame the frog.


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