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Trailer: The Cabin in the Woods

The trailer for Joss Whedon's long-awaited film The Cabin in the Woods has finally, finally arrived. Click through for 2 minutes and 25 seconds of scary Jossy goodness.

What do you think? Too horror for you? Or is Joss Whedon once, now, and always your master?


  1. They had me at Joss and Drew. It seems like one of those movies that starts out pretty derivative, before becoming something fresh and new. Loved the flash montage of all the squickiness at the end, like the masked people and the girl licking the wolf.

    Color me intrigued...

  2. When it opens, it will have been three years since it was filmed. That's never a good sign.

  3. Joss Whedon on the big screen again? I say YES!!! But *gulp* I'm kind of terrified by horror films! :p

  4. Best part of the trailer:

    Thor: We have to split up
    Random Dude: Good Idea!
    Fran: Really?

  5. I don't know what to expect from the movie but I like so many of the actors in it and I trust Joss and Drew will deliver the goods. I'm excited it's finally getting released!

    @HellBlazerRaiser - I don't think that's got anything to do with the quality of the film in this instance - it was one of several unfortunate victims of MGM's massive financial problems and eventual filing for bankruptcy. So fingers crossed!


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