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Revenge: Legacy

"Destruction is in my DNA. Take it up with Darwin."

Few shows can pull off offbeat episodes such as this one but "Legacy" was a stunning success. It did a superb job of bringing together a variety of plots threads and intriguing details that emerged throughout the year into a fascinating and cohesive whole.

I was most impressed by the fact that the writers dedicated an entire episode to flashbacks without warning. I hadn't realized how much we needed an hour such as this one to put things into perspective and ensure our alignment with Emily's path. All signs certainly lead to a near cataclysmic clash of power in the finale and we're now firmly on Miss Thorne's vengeful trajectory.

Beginning with our heroine's suitably dark club days following her juvie-release, it was interesting to see Amanda's first return visit to the Hamptons as well as the reappearance of a number of faces from the beginning of the year. There's a certainly satisfying touch watching all the people Emily burned over the year gathered in a dinner party from hell. The hour was filled with little nuggets of plot points that certified just how much the Revenge writing staff care about continuity, which makes this viewer supremely happy. I think what I enjoyed most, besides seeing Amanda's previous victims, was Lydia's appearance. I never expected her to be the one who planted the first move on Conrad, so I'm glad she got what was coming to her.

Moreover, I absolutely adored Victoria in this one. It was an eye-opening delight to see her first meeting with David Clarke and just what exactly brought these two souls together. The chemistry was evident from the start and I look forward to seeing more endearing moments between them as they're undeniably my favorite couple on the show.

Finally, I'm intrigued that we jumped back to the present for the episode's final scene and ten years later no less. Wonderful ending.

Vengeful Bits:

- Jack's flashback hair: HA!

- Oh Frank, I don't really think I missed you. Still as creepy as ever.

- I pretty much love any time young Amanda is on screen having a moment with her father. They're an awesome duo.

- Madeleine Stowe looked absolutely gorgeous in that "Dolce".

- Jack's bartender girlfriend was probably the weakest part of this hour. She seemed much too forced.

- Sinfully awesome shot of Lydia adjusting herself in the mirror as Conrad gives his speech.

- Amanda's breakdown at the end following the discovery of the body was great.

- Loved Victoria grabbing Mason by the head. Wish she snapped it off.

Brimming with an excellent eye for continuity, this was a marvelous hour of Revenge.

3.5 out of 4 Infinity Tattoos.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. Only Revenge could get away with an episode like this one. I was frowning at first, and a little frustrated that the show wasn't continuing with the usual stuff, but it sucked me in after a while.

    "Loved Victoria grabbing Mason by the head. Wish she snapped it off."

    Me too...

    "Jack's bartender girlfriend was probably the weakest part of this hour. She seemed much too forced."

    I'm not sure what you meant by this but she seemed like she's more important that some past teenage fling.

    What I love about these past few weeks is that they're giving more reasons to like Victoria. She seems more like a woman in a bad position than a through and through evil witch.

    I also loved all the stuff you write about being able to see Amanda/Emily coming back to the Hamptons during her weaker, post-juvy state. It's interesting to see how much she's changed since then. Hopefully there'll be a few more flashbacks to fill in some more of the blanks as well.

    Great review, Nadim.

  2. As the season comes to a close, how fun to re-visit all the characters from the beginning and to see them all in one place.

    I'm so used to emotionally controlled Emily that when Amanda broke down, it caused quite a punch.

    Great review, Nadim.


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