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Ray Bradbury: 1920-2012

Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and Something Wicked This Way Comes (to name just a few of his works), passed away on Tuesday evening. Obituaries can be found here and here.

In his last article, Bradbury discussed his childhood affection for Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the inspiration it brought him: "I memorized all of 'John Carter' and 'Tarzan,' and sat on my grandparents’ front lawn repeating the stories to anyone who would sit and listen. I would go out to that lawn on summer nights and reach up to the red light of Mars and say, 'Take me home!' I yearned to fly away and land there in the strange dusts that blew over dead-sea bottoms toward the ancient cities."

I hope he got his wish.


  1. Live forever, Ray. Just like Mr Electro said...

  2. One of the true greats of science fiction. Farewell, Ray.

  3. I slightly screamed when I read the title....

    He has entered into the World of Legend....


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