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Nikita: Covenant

"I don't think you're capable of not caring."

Michael hasn't been the strongest character throughout Nikita's debut season. He's had some good moments, but overall I've found him to be a sort of one-note character who I'm not usually eager to see more of. That all changes with this hour which capably turns the character into an intriguing presence in his own right.

First off, I absolutely loved Michael and Nikki's cat and mouse game throughout the episode. While the flashbacks weren't the greatest, the hunt for Kassim proved to be quite exciting particularly with Gogol and Ari's involvement. The twist with Kassim being a Division agent working for Percy was also quite phenomenal, and it's the perfect development to send Michael over to Nikita's side. Now both have an even bigger bone to pick with our Big Bad and it all works wonderfully.

Alex on the other hand suffered in this one. The whole Nathan storyline just isn't working for me. I get what they're going for but it's too much of a distraction from the good stuff and makes Alex seem superfluous in the process. It's a far cry from when she was the show's highlight, so that's really unfortunate.

And to continue the tradition, Nikita ends yet another episode this season with a goosebump-inducing final scene that's just epic and incredible on every level. First Michael tells Percy he's with him "100%" and then heads on over to Nikita's loft. Cue Florence and the Machine's gorgeous song "Cosmic Love" as Nikki and Michael finally come together in the most beautiful and touching moment Nikita's ever done. It's become an iconic scene for me that really epitomizes the emotion that this show is capable of. I can't tell you how many time I've rewatched it and it just never gets old. Extraordinary television.

Bits & Bullets:

- I didn't really like Nikki's reaction in the opening convo with Michael; her crying and pleading like a little girl because of a boy is not the Nikita we've grown to love.

- Nice bit of continuity with Ari's bodyguard punching Nikita thanks to her beatdown of him a couple of episodes ago.

- Brilliant scene with the ballet and Ari's voiceover describing Nikita as she beats her way into the opera house. The music, the editing - simply stunning.

- Shane West's strongest scene as an actor since the show began is his final monologue in the snow. Extremely touching.

- I've already praised the final scene quite a bit, but I'd like to point out that Florence and the Machine songs sure seem to bring long-lost lovers together. The Vampire Diaries did something equally brilliant the following year using another outstanding song: "Never Let Me Go".

Nikki Notables:

Nikita: I need money.
Ari: Don't we all?

Ari: You have two strikes against us, Nikita. If there is a third, I promise you, Gogol will divert an absurd amount of resources towards finding you. And when we do -- it will be unpleasant.

- Equal parts thrilling and touching, 'Covenant' is an excellent hour of Nikita.

4 out of 5 ballet beatdowns.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. I totally agree, the writers didn´t do the idea of the character Michael (which is great in the film and LFN) any justice in the first half of the season. And to me Shane West didn´t help there either, but with this episode he became more likeable and easier to invest into. The chemistry between him and Nikita became that what I expected it to be. The "Cosmis Love" scene gave me goosebumps.

    I liked his backstory and how it pushed him to side with Nikita. The Kassim twist was great, like the Ari voiceover.

    I was glad that the focus was on somebody else than Alex because in the end the show´s name is Nikita and not Alex (sorry Nadim ;))

  2. Michael finally came into his own with this one! I remember to feeling a bit "blah" about him in the beginning, and then with this one he changed into someone a lot more interesting! :o)

  3. What a great episode and that ending just gives me chills.
    Michael is finally on Nikki´s side and it feels right and earned, not forced at all.

  4. My favorite episode so far. There was nothing I didn't like about it.

    Shane West's description of the house in Hawaii had me tearing up and the scene at the end had the tears falling. Simply lovely!

  5. Got to give this one a 5/5. To tell you the truth, the scenes with Michael and Nikki have always been my favorites. (Alex, on the other hand, somehow doesn't quite do it for me.) And I actually liked Nikita's reaction in the beginning - to see her truly vulnerable, even defeated (if only for a moment), made for an interesting change of pace and added another layer to her character.

    Though I do think I'll miss Michael and Nikita's adversarial relationship. Ah well. Got to respect the show for continuing to move things forward, at any rate.


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