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Doux News: September 16, 2012

This week: Fall approaches, and we're getting pilots somewhat early -- Once Upon a Time has a cool promo -- Joss Whedon is my master now -- Supernatural and Facebook -- Doctor Who versus Lost Girl?

Ah. Doesn't it feel like the calm before the television storm? I can't believe summer is nearly over already. We're gearing up for the fall onslaught of new and returning shows, some of which has been appearing... somewhat early.

I despise TV.com for a couple of strong reasons (okay, dumping me and mondo plagiarism) but there's a somewhat interesting article up about the new network strategy of releasing pilots for new shows online a couple of weeks early. I don't really care about sitcoms (except Community) but it was great fun that we were able to view and review the pilots of Revolution and Last Resort before they "officially" aired. This is a trend that I hope will continue. I love it.

Once Upon a Time has just released an intriguing promo for season two (below). Is this the place for me to confess that my favorite couple is Rumplestiltskin and Belle?

Joss Whedon is My Master Now
(a weekly feature of Doux News)

Not only can he create my favorite television series ever. Not only can he write and direct this summer's biggest blockbuster movie. Joss Whedon can even direct Shakespeare. In his own house. And get it distributed. Is there anything he can't do? Personally, I am intrigued by the thought of Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof, our star-crossed lovers from Angel, doing Beatrice and Benedick in Joss Whedon's living room. I want to see this one.

Can you imagine being lucky enough to go to these creative parties at Whedon's home? Those parties were also the genesis of the outstanding Buffy musical, "Once More, With Feeling." (Although I was lucky enough to attend a political event back in 2004 that Whedon hosted that was attended by an amazing number of my favorite actors, it's not anywhere near as cool as going to Whedon's actual house. )

Supernatural and Facebook

If you've been hanging around this site for awhile, you're probably aware that while Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite show of all time (see above), my favorite currently running show is Supernatural, which is about to start its eighth season. Eight seasons. Eight.

Supernatural fans are as passionate about our show as Buffy fans ever were. This week, Supernatural reached ten million "likes" on Facebook. (How is this possible when the show usually gets about two million viewers a week?)

At any rate, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles did a little thank-you video for the fans, something they tend to do, which is nice of them. And here it is.

Doctor Who versus... Lost Girl?

I still read Blastr, although I'm often not sure why. They do a ratings article every week, and in this week's, I was shocked to see that Lost Girl did better than Doctor Who. (I assume this is just in the states, and particularly Syfy and BBC America.) I love Lost Girl, but I'm very aware that it's not the huge to-do that is Doctor Who. How did this happen? Is it that people just don't like dinosaurs on spaceships?

That's it for this week. Opinions, raves, rants, questions? Post a comment!


  1. Plagiarism : NOT cool.

    Plagiarism on YOU : way, way even worse. In a Parallel Universe, I've already locked that SOB in room 23. Enjoy the video you bast____. After that, he's getting HALF the punches Benjamin Linus got in his career (seriously, who could survive his 100% ?).


    I'm gonna wait until Last Resort actually air to check it out. Katie's review...has changed my mind, so I'll give this one a try.

  2. I'm really looking forward to Whedon's take on the Bard. Although am I worried he'll find some way to kill someone off.

  3. The OUAT trailer looks surprisingly good. I'd never really considered how much fun bringing magic to Storybrooke might be.

  4. Much Ado doesn't have a distributor yet, does it? Last I heard, he was looking to enter it in festivals or something. He better hurry up and get that thing OUT. I've been DYING to see it since they shot in in what...April? Can't wait to see Nathan Fillion as Dogberry.

  5. sunbunny, Lionsgate just acquired it on Thursday.

  6. In the completely unlikely event that I see it in the theaters, I'll review it. But I never see anything in the theaters...


  7. Dinosaurs on spaceships always makes me think of Wash. And we all know how well Firefly did ratings-wise.

    celticmarc - glad I convinced you to give Last Resort a try!

  8. "...there was a star danced, and under that was I born."

    Much Ado is one of the great ones and, like sunbunny, I am looking forward to seeing Nathan Fillion as Dogberry.

    I love Joss Whedon's sense of humor. The line on the promo, "Based on a Play," made me smile. Much less reverence than one usually sees...

  9. Wow..I guess Lost Girl is the little show that could-good for them. Not so good for Doctor Who. I also ship Rumple/Belle but I predict things won't run smoothly for them.
    Can't wait to see Much ado.

  10. I'll definitely take Much Ado if no one else wants it!

  11. Sunbunny, it's all yours. I'll look forward to it.


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