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Doux News: October 21, 2012

This week: And they're already talking cancellations -- This week in casting goodness -- How like New Zealand -- I hope it's not science fiction

And they're already talking cancellations

Even though 666 Park Avenue and Last Resort have each received an order for two more scripts, TV by the Numbers says it's only a matter of time before they're canceled. (Cue Last Resort series title puns.) And hey, Animal Practice was already canceled, but they're replacing it with Whitney instead of Community! Why? WHY?

In an attempt to console Community fans, "Troy and Abed in the Morning" explain that an October 19 premiere date is just a state of mind.

More unfortunate Community news just in -- Chevy Chase opened his mouth widely and inserted his foot again. You'd think the first few times would teach him something, but no.

It's too soon to talk cancellation, especially after the miracle save it got last spring, but Nikita's third season premiere got lousy ratings. In fact, they were so bad that they hit a series low. I know the Nikita powers that be are probably thinking syndication if they can hang on for a couple more seasons, but less than a million viewers for a season premiere is just not good. I tried to catch up with Nikita over the summer, but I gave up halfway through; I think my mind is still stuck on the original series. A lot of people love the new series, though, and I was hoping it would do well. This is not news I wanted to pass on to you.

This week in casting goodness

Billiedoux.com fave Mark Pellegrino just scored another role, this time a guest spot on Person of Interest. He has had many continuing and guest starring roles on (and I went and looked it up, and this is just shows we cover) Castle, Chuck, Dexter, Lost, Supernatural, Grimm, and Revolution.

George Takei will be guest starring as Daniel Dae Kim's uncle on Hawaii Five-0. Not that I don't want George Takei on H50, but Korean... Japanese... okay, I'll shut up now.

Jorge Garcia has been cast as a giant on Once Upon a Time. I have my fingers crossed that it will turn into a continuing role, because I miss watching Jorge every week, and I'm so sorry Alcatraz didn't work out for him. (How many "new Losts" have there been, now?)

DJ Qualls returns as Garth on Supernatural. Knew it would happen. Could I submit a request? I would like them to stop teasing us with the possibility that Castiel (Misha Collins) will return. I feel like they've been teasing us with that for three freaking years now. Bring him back or kill him off, please?

How like New Zealand

I've always wanted to visit New Zealand. It just seems like a cool place. And now, they're putting pictures of hobbits on their legal tender. Yes, it's a gimmick for the upcoming movies, but I still think it's pretty cool.

I hope it's not science fiction

This little news bit made me gasp. A British company has managed to make petrol from the CO2 in the air, solving a serious energy situation by reducing pollution.  If it were the plot of a science fiction movie, people just wouldn't believe it. Please, let this one be true.

That's all I have for this week. Opinions, raves, rants, questions? Post a comment!


  1. I've been to New Zealand (twice!) and yeah, it is a really cool place! If you ever get the chance, take it! But for a minimum of 3 weeks... if possible 4-5 to properly get the feel of it. And pack your hiking boots.

    I do hope the Nikita numbers were a fluke and it gets better. I thought they did a great job with the new Division and I'd really like to see that story continue! I logged out of Last Resort after the pilot and the idea of 666 never resonated with me so I don't really care what happens there...

    No cute and cuddly kittens this week???

  2. CrazyCris, I just couldn't think of a way to work the kittens and cats thing in there. Maybe next time. :)

  3. I tried new Nikita..sorry couldn't make it..Old Nikita..both the film and the series got in the way. I miss original Nikita and Michael too much to watch a new version. Jorge Garcia will be awesome on Once..

  4. Are we that behind in the UK? 3 years teasing with Castiel's return in Supernatural? He was in the last one I watched, Season 6, I believe.

  5. I probably didn't say that right. What I meant is that they keep bringing Castiel back for five minutes, and then he goes away again. It's frustrating.

  6. I'm sorry about the Nikita numbers, but I don't think even dreams of syndication will keep it going for two more years. Of course, it doesn't help that it's in the Friday night death slot.

    And Cris is right -- NZ is a beautiful place. Well worth the effort required to get there.

  7. Well, darn, I just started watching Season 2 of Nikita. I have never seen the originals, and am enjoying this show.
    Will always be happy to see Mark P and Jorge G anywhere, so that is good news. I watched last week's POI (probably only the 2nd episode I've caught) and it made me realize how much I miss watching Michael Emerson...so I may keep watching and try to catch up.
    New Zealand must be an awesome country if they are truly putting Hobbits on their currency. We in the US are too full of ourselves to do anything too fun like that (even if it is a publicity thing).
    And as for your "I hope its not science fiction" - truly?!?!?!? That would just be too good to be true. Here's to "believing" in SCIENCE.

  8. NZ is definitely well worth the trip (even if you end up trapped on a plane behind the most annoying children in the world for 13 hours --- which the hubby and I did). And I agree that you need two to three weeks to experience it. Sadly, we only had seven days to spend there, and now we long for the day we can go back. We must see the South Island!

    RE: George Takei on H50 --- Korean ... Japanese ... it doesn't matter so long as they keep it all in the "geek" family, right? :)

  9. LMAO for the delicious Troy & Abed video. Ah !!! My heart feels so much like October 19th. And they better put it back on Nov. 1st. Enough waiting.

    Dear Chevy, SOB ! Take some deep breathing(s) man! (hey I taught that to my 87 year old Mom today) (no joke) (hey I feel better she told me; now do that on a daily basis I replied) (simple trick, yet so effective)

    I've seen NZ through the 10 hours or so of the extended LOTR movies. If it's beautiful on the screen, then it must be when you see it with your own eyes. Hobbits or not.

    And if the Brits can pull it off (and they often did), well, that would be neat !

    Quoting you now : "(How many "new Losts" have there been, now?)" Arrghhh. There's only one in my octoberninetheened heart...

  10. Kind of embarrassed I had to find out about our new Hobbit coins here, but never mind, I'll take it! Yes, NZ is cool and just as pretty as it is in the movies. Cooome....toooo....Newwwww.....Zealand......

    I heard about the petrol from CO2 thing on the BBC World Service and yes, it appears to be totally true. They reckoned it would be commercial, as in being able to put it in everybody's tank rather than just for specialised uses, in ten to fifteen years. Fingers crossed that's actually the case.


  11. Wow. In Montreal today's paper, an article about a spectacular hotel in NZ. Nice coincidence.

    Since the newspaper is in french, here's instead the direct link to the hotel, only 1 100 $ per night.


    (the link from the original article is insanely long)

  12. Allo, Billie.

    I sure hope that Nikita doesn't get cancelled. This show gives me the weekly adrenaline rush with their cool fight scenes. Besides, I like the dynamic of the characters. After Alias, this show has replaced my weekly clandestine slot. :D

    Last Resort on the other hand for me is a disappointment. The actors maybe great but the writing needs much to be desired. Perhaps they are still napping? There are 150 personnel on board that u-boat but we onlu see a handful of them. Maybe they are frozen inside the boat and only wake-up when tapped by the writers? hehehe.

    Person Of Interest. This I love. Especially requesting for more episodes with Paige Turco in it. I so love the screen chemistry of Reese and Zoe. They give a new meaning to the phrase "smoldering on screen". Ewww. Billie, help here. :) Remember LFN?

    I agree with you on the H50 casting. Let's see how the actors will play it out.


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