First things first -- check out our plans for summer here at the Doux! We'll be covering Arrested Development, Dexter, Falling Skies, Under the Dome, Teen Wolf, True Blood and Breaking Bad, as well as posting retro reviews for ten (ten!) other shows. Ten!
And there's the Buffy re-watch. Have you heard about the Buffy Re-Watch?
Dexter and Breaking Bad
It's official: this summer's upcoming season of Dexter (premiering June 30) will be its last. This announcement would have had a lot more impact if we hadn't been hearing "this is going to be the last season" for, well, months, but it's nice to know for sure. Here's an intense little spoilerific preview:
The last eight episodes of Breaking Bad finally have a return date: Sunday, August 11. That means the series will end in mid-October, doesn't it? Unless they break off half of them and air them in the summer of 2014. I hear they're talking about that. (Just kidding.)
Breaking Bad is taking a page from The Walking Dead/Talking Dead. Talking Bad will air after Breaking Bad this summer and fall. It won't have the wonderful Chris Hardwick, but hey, could be fun.
Even though it's time, I'm sad about saying goodbye to Dexter and Breaking Bad, two of the five shows I'm reviewing right now. (The other three are Supernatural, Justified and True Blood. And to be honest, I think I'm ready for True Blood to come to an end, too.) Here's hoping that both Dexter and Breaking Bad go out with a bang and give us some satisfying closure. Note that I'm not saying anything about happy endings. Both series are essentially tragic, and I'd be surprised and shocked if either ends on a happy note.
Premieres and pre-emptions
The premiere of Defiance did extremely well -- it was one of Syfy's biggest ever. (J.D. reviewed it for us.) I wish the show the best because there's never enough good sci-fi on TV for me, and it definitely could be fantastic, but honestly, the pilot didn't blow me away. We shall see.
Netflix has released its second series, Hemlock Grove. Has anyone seen it yet? We're planning to review the premiere; it should go up soon.
Revolution and Castle had episodes moved because of the bombings in Boston. Wow. I haven't spent an entire day watching the news in a long time, and believe me, I hope it's a long time before I have to do so again.
Various bits of Supernatural news
There were several choice tidbits about Supernatural to report this week. (I'm glad Supernatural isn't ending, too. I'm starting to think they're actually going to get ten seasons. And I feel a whole lot better about that than I did about Smallville, which dragged on three years past its expiration date.)
Eonline's 2013 "Alpha Male Madness" tournament came down to, of all guys, Jensen Ackles versus Misha Collins. (Apparently, my beloved Jensen Ackles has won every "Alpha Male Madness" tournament since 2009! How did I miss that?)
What was funniest was Misha's reaction to being pitted against Jensen. I especially love the contrasting photos: Jensen with a gun looking like a pitbull, versus Misha in a flowered apron making cookies.
Jensen and Danneel Ackles are expecting a baby girl soon and instead of sending them gifts, Jensen has asked fans to donate to Hats off to Cancer instead.
And new showrunner Jeremy Carver talked with Zap2it about the story arc this season, responding to the concerns of fans that it's too much about Sam this season. Interesting. Maybe Carver was unconsciously giving soon-to-be-father Jensen a bit of a break?
This week in casts, and For What It's Worth
Our beloved Giles, Anthony Head, is guest starring in an arc on Warehouse 13, which I have unfortunately stopped watching. (Is this a good time to mention the Buffy Re-Watch?)
MSN is talking about possibly relaunching Heroes on Xbox. Huh. Heroes had an outstanding first season, but slowly and painfully disintegrated into a steaming pile of bad writing while constantly launching new characters I cared little about and screwing with characters that I did. Maybe I'm still a little bitter about all the time I spent reviewing it. At any rate, good luck with that, Xbox.
The new Joss Whedon series that we are anxiously awaiting is going through some name changes. At first it was just S.H.I.E.L.D., but there was another famous show with that name. Then I heard somewhere that it was Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. Then it was Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now it might actually be just Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Hey, the whole S.H.I.E.L.D. thing is a pain to type, and the longer versions don't roll off the tongue like, say, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (You did see our announcement about the Re-Watch, right?) I rather expect fans will refer to it as S.H.I.E.L.D., no matter what it turns out to be.
Disney didn't invest a zillion bucks in the Star Wars franchise just to give us another trilogy. Apparently, they have plans to release a new Star Wars movie every year, starting in 2015. They're going to spin off characters, explore new directions. It'll be interesting to see if it works out for them. Does that mean that maybe Joss Whedon will eventually get his hands on a Star Wars movie, after all?
And on that note, I'll close with a hilarious Star Wars-related clip of Harrison Ford guesting on Jimmy Kimmel. Thanks for this one, J.D.
That's it for this week. Opinions, raves, rants, questions? Post a comment!
And did you hear that we're doing a Buffy Re-Watch? sorry Antony Head should brighten up Warehouse 13..James Marsters(Spike) will be on there as well. Buffy reunion or not?
ReplyDeleteI hope Joss' new show will be on soon..I refuse to type its name.
Great news about Defiance..let's hope the numbers stay good.
Here is a link where a possible spin-off is discussed - but beware they talk about the theme of this last season as well.
The Harrison Ford video was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteSo, Billie -- what will you be watching this summer?
Oh. Massively loved that (top) picture up there !! Nice !
ReplyDeleteTEN other shows ??!! With my best Lostian southern accent : "SOB" !!!!!!
Parenthesis here. Have I EVER told ya how much I love this site ? Not sure; don't remember !
Up here, NO convenient (/venience ?) store would let you drink beer inside.
Quoting you : "satisfying closure". Yes, indeed. Given the choice, I always prefer than a show ends on a high note rather than extending way too long and becoming the ghosts of themselves.
I'll come back, 'cos I have to answer you elsewhere LOL
Quoting you, yes, again : "there's never enough good sci-fi on TV for me".
ReplyDeleteAw ! Bless you woman ! Give the woman a raise ! Get yourself a nice, big, chocolate filled gold medal ! You may not look like Evangeline Lilly (so you've written), but SOB, you're more brilliant than the Sun !
"Boston". An ENTIRE city deserted. World first. A brilliant demonstration that, at the core, humans are good. Kudos Boston and my heart is you all.
Warehouse 13. You've stopped watching; Jess's reaction to the show at the beginning or more in mid season 4. I love the cast SO much that I'm enduring. (And who knows, I'll probably fall in love with Buffy's cast. (?))
Not crazy about Heroes' relaunch. Really ?! Confession here : I have the entire set BUT only watched the first season. And I had a huge smile on my face during and after each and every single episode.
WHAT !!?? A S Wars movie EVERY year ??!!!! I'm OUT OF HERE !!! Pulling the plug ! Too much ! Get real people ! (hey Paramount ! STTNG ended a LONGGGGGG time ago ! Care to DROP the prices on the DVD sets ???) (arrrggh)
LMAO for the interview. Wet eyes.