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Holiday Treats: Chocolate Pecan Pie

The Doux Reviews team is devoted to more than just television and cats. We also love inappropriate starches and sugary treats. And there’s no better time of year to indulge than the holiday season, which kicks off this week in the US with the one-two punch of Thanksukkah (aka Hanukkagiving). In celebration of this special time of year, we offer you the first of our biweekly holiday treat recipes:

Chocolate Pecan Pie

For any family gathering of more than three people, I am assigned the task of baking pies. (I am also always assigned the couch instead of a real bed, but that’s what I get for not being married yet.) Although I love to bake, I had always disliked baking the traditional Thanksgiving pies of pecan and pumpkin, since those are two of the grossest pies in the world.

That all changed one fateful year when I bemoaned the messy displeasure of baking food I don’t plan to eat to my cousin-by-marriage Beth. She gave me a delightful solution, and one that’s so much tastier than the original: chocolate pecan pie.


• 2 tablespoons butter
• 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate
• 3 eggs, slightly beaten
• 1 cup Karo syrup (light or dark)
• 1/3 cup sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
• 1 ½ cups pecan halves
• 1 9” pastry crust


• Melt the butter and chocolate in a pan and let it cool just a bit.
• Mix in the eggs, Karo, sugar, and vanilla.
• Stir in the pecans.
• Pour into the pastry shell.
• Bake at 350 for 50 to 60 minutes.
• Impressive your relatives with the exciting new twist you’ve added to the holiday celebrations.

Got a tasty pie recipe to share? Post it in the comments!


  1. I don't like pecan or pumpkin pie either. We always have apple pie at our Thanksgivings. This looks tasty, although, wow, I think I just gained three pounds reading the recipe!

  2. This sounds amazing! I may have to wow everyone on Thursday with my new pie, although there might be dissension in the ranks if I don't do pumpkin as well...

  3. This does sound wonderful. I never really cared for Pecan pie - too sweet without much actual flavor - but this sounds much better.

    I love pumpkin pie (if it's done "right", with extra spices), and that ties with cherry pie as my favorite. Which is actually kind of funny, because I never knew I liked cherry pie. My family never made it, and so the only cherry pie I had growing up was the nasty supermarket kind with the gluey crust and the gluey syrupy filling. But, my husband loved cherry pie and so eventually I bought some canned pie cherries and made some from scratch and found out just how good cherry pie can be! I'll put the recipe here, but it's just the same as the one on the can, albeit with the sugar on the low side...

    2 14.5-oz cans tart pie cherries - reserve juice from one can(should be about 2/3C or 160 ml), and drain the other can.
    1/2 cup (96g) sugar
    3 tablespoons (28g) corn starch
    1 tablespoon butter or margarine
    2 crusts for 9" pie

    Preheat oven to 400 F / 200 C. Line a pan with one of the pastries.
    In a saucepan, mix the sugar and cornstarch together and add the reserved juice from one can. Cook over medium to medium high heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and clear(er).
    Remove from heat and gently stir in both cans of cherries, and a little (1/4 tsp) almond extract if you want. I don't like it lol.
    Pour mixture into the pastry-lined pan, dot with butter or margarine.
    I usually do a lattice crust, which is surprisingly easy if you haven't done one before. http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/how_to_make_a_lattice_top_for_a_pie_crust/
    Or, you can cut a few evenly spaced holes in the other crust with a small biscuit cutter or small cookie cutters, and lay it over the top. Trim the crust to 1/2 inch past the plate, fold under, and crimp with a fork.
    Bake 30-40 minutes until bubbly and brown. You will probably need to shield the edges with tinfoil during the last 15-20 minutes of cooking. Cool several hours before serving.

  4. Yummmm with bonus recipes. This is a great idea!

  5. Just had to let you know, Josie, that this pie received raves last night. Although there is half the pumpkin pie sitting in Mom's fridge, not a crumb from this one was left.



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