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Teen Wolf: Parasomnia

“I’m starting to wonder if the rules to our supernatural world aren’t as rigid as I once thought.”

There appears to be an imbalance amongst the cast this season, but ‘Parasomnia’ improves over the scattered premiere in terms of focus and plot.

One of my biggest problems with last season was Liam, and I still haven’t accepted him into the fold as much as I should have by now. I can’t say it’s a fault on the writers’ part. There was a lot of work done last year to flesh him out and make his position as the baby wolf seem justified, but I honestly can’t learn to like him. Now that he’s a regular character and starting to break out on his own with dull subplots, it’s becoming a lot harder to ignore him.

With that issue still lingering, I think I’ll find it tough to accept any other character they try to shoehorn in this year, unless that character is introduced in the right way. Theo doesn’t really fit that criteria, but he turned out to be shady in the end so I’m kind of glad I don’t have to learn to like him.

The established cast aren’t being ignored, but I was hoping Lydia’s importance would come into play more after the fun flash forwards in ‘Creatures of the Night.’ I was sad that they were largely ignored in this episode, but we’re still seeing the mystery unfold in classic Teen Wolf fashion, with a lot of confusing visions and screaming teenagers to guide the way. I really loved the cold open, and the slow introduction of the slightly disposable Tracy. Watching the nightmares unfold, culminating in the crazy reveal of the doctors meddling got me excited for more of Teen Wolf’s fun and creepy action.

Despite how fun that all is though, it’s the more human stuff that can make Teen Wolf the success it is. This season is really tackling the senior year thing head on. The high school backdrop has always been an important one for this show (it would want to be if the word 'teen' is in the title), and how it factors into the way the kids make decisions and act when their lives are threatened is pivotal in making them more relatable, and likable.

Outside of school, Stiles and Scott’s bond feels like the glue holding the pack together. Stiles going to extreme lengths to protect Scott by investigating Theo is a completely Stiles thing to do, and his reasons for doing it are even more Stiles than the crazy fumbling around the woods. He has to be vigilant in protecting Scott and his friends from outsiders. Because of who Scott is he will always accept anyone who needs help and Stiles, as a result, will do anything to protect Scott. It’s a vicious cycle, but it really reinforces how much the two of them need each other around. Hopefully Stiles’ paranoia will pay off and catch Theo out on one of lies.


Still no word on what Parrish actually is. Will we find out soon?

He Said, She Said

Scott: “Why can’t you trust anyone?”
Stiles: “Because you trust everyone!”

I’m still not completely sold on this season so far, but I can’t say I’ll be leaving anytime soon. With some intriguing villains and a lot of potential conflict to come, there’s still a lot to love about this show, which is saying something at this point in the game.

Originally posted at PandaTV.

1 comment:

  1. There's some TJ-rules

    Rule A: Never watch a teenage high school show! Because they are tacky, childish, silly and simply...just immature.

    Rule B: As in Buffy. Ignore Rule A, and watch it anyway, because it's get better.

    --- (lots of boring rules)

    Rule T: Watch Teen Wolf. Beware of rule A, but think of rule B, and then decide if this might be a winner after all...

    I'm guessing Panda that you're a Rule T-ish for now?

    Me, I think I'm more of a Rule B/V. (Rule V being visual goodness).


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