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Mark's Best of 2019

Seasons greetings, dear readers, and welcome to my annual rambling look back at what the wacky world of TV had to offer us in 2019.

Most Banging Soundtrack - The Umbrella Academy

I knew it was going to like this series when the first episode kicked off with Lindsey Stirling’s version of The Phantom of the Opera overture. I knew I was going to love it when that same episode ended with a shootout set to 'Istanbul (Not Constantinople)' by They Might Be Giants

Most Concerned Dog Owner - Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders) 

After Tommy Shelby's bullet to the head failed to actually kill him, Alfie decided to lay low in Margate and let the entire world think that he was really dead. And it would've worked too, if he hadn't wrote to Tommy and told him he was alive because he wanted to know that his dog was okay.

Best Besties - Max and Eleven (Stranger Things)

One of the most annoying things about season two was how Eleven took an instant dislike to Max because she saw her talking to Mike that one time. Thankfully, season three quickly made up for that blunder by not only having Eleven and Max become friends, but the single best relationship on the entire show. I will not accept criticism.

Most Extensive Prologue - 'Hard Times' (Good Omens) 

The pre-title sequence for Good Omens' third episode was a whopping 28 minutes long. That's almost half the episode. But it was time well spent as Neil Gaiman chronicled Crowley and Aziraphale's entire relationship from the Garden of Eden all the way up to the present day via Noah's ark, the crucifixion, one of Shakespeare's gloomy ones, and revolutionary France, which is still the best place for a bite to eat (assuming you can keep your head).

Most Deserved Promotion - Kate Fleming (Line of Duty)

Kate is the glue that holds the rickety ship that is AC-12 together. Almost all their big breaks and convictions have been down to her exceptional police work. So she bloody well deserved that promotion to Detective Inspector.

Character Most Overdue for Promotion - Agent Piper (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

If any recurring character on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. deserved to be promoted to series regular (and be a potential love interest for Daisy) it was Briana Venskus' Agent Piper. Instead we got Deke. Fucking DEKE!

Coolest Origin Story Bro - Negaduck (DuckTales)

'The Duck Knight Returns' worked great as a origin for the new DuckTales' version of Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck, but worked even better as a surprise origin for his deranged, chainsaw loving archenemy, Negaduck!

Best Torch Passing - Carmen Sandiego 

In this astonishingly good reboot, young Carmen steals her iconic crimson fedora and jacket off V.I.L.E. accountant Cookie Booker, voiced by none other than living legendary Rita Moreno, who voiced Carmen in the original 1990s animated series.

Most Effortless Scene Stealer - Carolyn Martens (Killing Eve

With Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer getting all the accolades and awards, sometimes it is easy to overlook just how bloody marvellous Fiona Shaw is as the deadpan MI-6 spymaster.

Most Entertaining Intoxication - Drunk Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)

God I love drunk Adora. We need more episodes with drunk Adora. We need an episode that is just drunk Adora trapped in a sinking ship with Catra. Also maybe Sea Hawk. And it's a musical episode!

Best Puppet Show - The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

When it came to explaining the secret history of Thra to the show's young heroes, skekGra the Heretic (Andy Samberg) and his Mystic counterpart, urGoh the Wanderer (Bill Hader), decided the best way to do it was by putting on a puppet show. So we have puppets using puppets to explain the plot of a show about puppets to an audience of puppets. And it was brilliant.

Most Depressing History Lesson - Chernobyl

This HBO/Sky mini-series tells you everything you need to know about what happened during the infamous nuclear power plant disaster, just make sure you have someone to watch it with you so they can give you a hug at the end. You'll need it. 

Best Cameos - 'The Trail' (What We Do In The Shadows)

After accidentally killing a vampire elder, the Staten Island trio are brought before the Vampiric Council which consists of Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh, and Jemaine Clement (reprising their roles from the original film) as well as Tilda (Swinton), Evan (Rachel Wood) the Immortal Princess of the Undead, Danny (Trejo), Paul (Reubens), and best of all Wesley (Snipes) the Day Walker, via Skype.

Best Recasts - Pike, Spock and Number One (Star Trek: Discovery)

Give them their own show, dammit!

Best Screaming Match - Lyra and Mrs Coulter (His Dark Materials)

After a brilliantly acted scene where the recently reunited mother and daughter subtly tried to manipulate each other, Lyra traps Coulter in her room and then the two of them take a good minute just screaming at each other through a locked down. Best moment of the entire season.

Best Trip Down Memory Lane - 'This Extraordinary Being' (Watchmen)

In this breathtaking episode, Angela overdoses on Nostalgia (a drug that lets you experience other people's memories) and learns the tragic story of her grandfather and how he became the world's first masked crime fighter, Hooded Justice.

Most Sweary Advice - "Holden, do not put your dick in it. It’s fucked enough already." (The Expanse)

Amos is right, that is good advice. Shame Holden didn't listen to it.

Most Irresistible Earworm - 'Toss A To Your Witcher' (The Witcher)

Oh valley of plenty! OH VALLEY OF PLENTY!!! OOOHHH!!!

Mark Greig has been writing for Doux Reviews since 2011 More Mark Greig


  1. Yes. Please, CBS All Access, give Pike, Spock and Number One their own show!

  2. I'm so behind on EVERYTHING but I agree about Negaduck. And also did Alfie Solomons remind you of anyone? Good ol' Alfie would have hated when they killed all those dogs in Chernobyl.


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