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Veronica Mars: My Mother the Fiend

Ms. Hauser: "Find a partner, pick a baby."
Veronica: "Aren't we supposed to have a shot of tequila first?"

Sex Ed part two, with many, many babies. There was the famous prom baby, the somewhat creepy Baby Think it Over, and as a cliffhanging shocker, Meg is pregnant. Knowing Meg, that baby has to be Duncan's. So he's going to be a real father with Meg, not just pretending with Veronica.

As Veronica and Duncan faked parenthood with an animatronic parental lifestyle simulator, Veronica investigated her own mother as well as Duncan's. The plot went in so many directions that about halfway through the episode, I was starting to think that Lianne was the mother of the prom baby. In fact, a lot of this episode was a fun callback to season one, with Lianne and Trina and the Kanes.

In the beginning, I was thinking that if I were a vice principal, I would never leave the intrepid Veronica Mars alone with three zillion permanent records. But how much fun was it that it was a deliberate (and successful) power play on the part of Vice Principal Clemmons? Clemmons is smarter than I thought. No more powerless factotum for him.

I loved Trina Echolls and Kendall Casablancas meeting for the first time; "Rode Hard, meet Put Away Wet" had me laughing out loud for five minutes. It did sort of bother me that two of my beloved Buffy alumni were playing such brainless, slutty characters, but in fact Trina Echolls came out looking like a pretty good person here in spite of her lack of acting talent and transparent hunger for fame. After the touching reveal, Trina treated her biological mother so gently, and flamboyantly tromped all over the biological father who had abandoned her and her mother.

Lianne came out looking pretty good, too, since she befriended an outcast and accepted an unfair punishment in order to protect her. Definitely not a fiend, after all. (Does this mean they're going to bring Lianne back? No, no, no!)

We went back to the duct tape and flagpole, and this time, it was finally Weevil's turn. Gee, don't Weevil and Logan have an interesting relationship? They beat the crap out of each other in the boy's room, and now they're going to secretly find out who killed Felix together. It was actually delightful in a West Side Story sort of way.

Bits and pieces:

— Meg woke up in the last minute of the episode.

— Kendall confirmed that she succeeded in seducing Duncan. Duncan, shame on you. At least he had the willpower to turn her down the second time.

— Weevil said he wasn't the one who shot out the car window.

— We were introduced to Astrid, a twenty-five year old prom baby red herring who appeared to be Celeste's hand servant.

— Mac helped Cassidy set up a real estate business, with Kendall as the front woman. What is Cassidy planning? Is it a way to get back at Kendall, framing her with some sort of shady business?

— There are romantic Mac/Cassidy vibes, despite her being a little bit older. "You're admiring my moxie, aren't you?"

— Abel Koontz is dead.

— Evan Rachel Wood is going to play Veronica in The Aaron Echolls Story. That is hilarious.


Clemmons: "Let me get this straight. You want follow up on what I explicitly forbade you from doing yesterday?"
Veronica: "Um, yes."

Veronica: "Which is more tortuous? Organizing disciplinary files, or spending lunch watching the Bard get flogged by the second lead of 'Wilder Things'?"

Mrs. Murphy: "You always ask to go to the bathroom this period."
Logan: "I know. It's that twelve-pack I slam at lunch. It goes right through me."

Mac: "Chicks dig scars and acronyms."

Trina: (reading tabloid headlines) "Oooh. 'Starlet's Silent Struggle With Death. The Echolls Family Curse'."
Veronica: "'Webster Rumored to be Discovered in Neverland Basement'."

Veronica: "You read Machiavelli this summer, didn't you?"

If this wasn't a four star episode, it was close,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. It was pretty awesome how this was all played out by Clemmons. I gotta say that the Duncan/Veronica relationship is growing more one everytime I do a rewatch.

  2. How like them that, before they can join forces, Logan and Weevil have to hit the crap out of each other to save face. That made me smile.

  3. Duncan (jokingly):"Hey now, you're not about to badmouth Celeste, are you?"
    Veronica: "Heavens, no. I mean, what COULD I say about that... saint? She is a warm-hearted, good-humored, lovely woman of high breeding, and impeccable social grace."
    Celeste (who just walked in): "Why thank you, Veronica."
    LOL. There's another example of that kind of fade-out to commercial with the little musical cue I mentioned in the previous episode. It's so funny.


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