Johnny: "It's a safe bet."
I saw this coming a long time ago. Greg Stillson is definitely after Sarah. He's been warm for her since he first met her.
He wants to be president, which means he needs a smart, photogenic wife. Sarah would be a perfect first lady: widow of a fallen hero with two adorable young children, a ready-made family. And marrying her would make Greg look like a saint. I kept thinking he was going to make a pass at her, but then I realized he was too smart to move that quickly. Instead, he flanked her by winning over J.J. Johnny said he would try again with Sarah, but it may already be too late.
Greg is still evil, isn't he? Maybe he always was.
Moving right along. The horseracing plot was about betrayal from within. It was interesting enough, but what I liked most about it was the novelty of Johnny getting a vision off the horse. And, of course, that Bruce was finally back. I hope it wasn't just for one episode.
Bits and pieces:
— John L. Adams was listed in the credits between Nicole deBoer and Connor Price, which meant he was a member of the cast, not a guest star. I hope. And it was great having Sean Patrick Flanery back. He always turns up the heat in any episode.
— Bruce and Maria got engaged, and she just lucked into half a mil. Good for Bruce. He's suddenly marrying an heiress.
— The story about Greg's father killing a dog was a twist on a scene in the original King book; Greg was the one who killed a dog. I wonder.
— Drift was the name of the horse, which was apt. Johnny and Sarah were drifting apart.
J.J.: "Something wrong with the space shuttle again?"
That made me laugh out loud.
Johnny: "Much simpler with my Visa card. I get too many hits off of money."
Extreme product placement. Ugh.
Scuzzy gambler: "I was going to use it for fake IDs, but... John Smith? You gotta do better than that."
I always reach a point during a season when I start to second guess my ratings. I suck at ratings. Three stars?
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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