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True Blood: Shake and Fingerpop

Sookie: "Isn't it exciting? Our first trip together? Oh come on, Bill. I was almost killed last night. Again. At least give me this."

Absolutely nuts. I loved it.

Orgy at the Stackhouse house. Maryann finally got whatever it was that she wanted, didn't she? It had something to do with Tara sleeping with Eggs. There was even a wedding cake. Was it a fertility rite? (Which would make his name oddly appropriate.) And Maryann suddenly had claws. I assume that means she can sprout horns at will, but what else can she sprout? It was a bull man that attacked Sookie, wasn't it? Or was it Maryann who attacked Miss Jeanette and Daphne?

(Ew. Wait a minute. Was that Miss Jeanette's heart in that red soup in the previous episode?)

Hard to tell what's going on with Daphne. Other than the fact that she has vertical claw scars on her back, knows what Sam is, and seems determined to seduce him. It's working, too. Sam hasn't left town yet.

Sookie has, though. Loved the Anubis Air stuff; that scene with Jessica stuck in the coffin was just too funny. I loved Bill teaching Jessica how to glamour, although it made me wonder why the vampires need Sookie to read minds. Loved Jessica ordering a guy from room service, too.

Why does the Fellowship want Sookie? Did the Fellowship even want Sookie herself, though? Leon didn't even know Sookie was a woman; she was just the "human." Does it have anything to do with why the Newlins are so interested in Jason joining the Christian Ninjas of the Sun?

I'm amazed that Jason and Sarah Newlin haven't succumbed to sin yet. It's got to be only a matter of time, now that she has him living down the hall. At least he's not with the rest of those bozos. Pranks with ketchup. They're twisted.

Bill and Sookie talked about Bill's basic unhappiness with being a vampire. He and Eric are such opposites. I like Bill, but I love Alexander Skarsgard's Eric more with each episode that airs. I just loved the droll way he flirted with Lafayette and got him to let him in, and then just sat there, arm extended, completely expressionless, as Lafayette fed on him. As if that was all the charm he was going to spare to get the job done. (Black sleeveless tank top. Yum.)

Eric wanted to be able to track Lafayette because Sookie cares about Lafayette. Which is why he wanted to give Sookie his blood that night at Fantasia; he wants to be able to track her. I wonder if Eric was also making amends for what he did to Lafayette? Maybe he just didn't want Sookie to blame him if Lafayette died.

Eric's blood must be pretty intoxicating. That dance Lafayette did was a hoot.

Bits and pieces:

-- When Tara told Maryann she was moving out, Maryann creeped me out without doing a single thing. It felt like she wanted to take a bite out of Tara, or something.

-- Why did Maryann pointedly throw Lettie Mae's present away? Other than just disliking her, that is.

-- Newlin said that a wooden bullet through the heart makes a vampire explode. I wonder if they really do. We're probably going to find out.

-- Andy Bellefleur lost his badge and is self-destructing. He's drinking scotch and coke together. That's just wrong.

-- The Light of Day Institute discussion about Lazarus, Jesus, Cain and Eve was pretty interesting. Of course they'd try to find something in the Bible relating to vamps.

-- Tara just turned 26. She tends to cry on her birthday. I do that, too.

-- Tara was watching the running of the bulls on television. I assume that was a little joke about bull-men. Or women, if it's Maryann.

-- In the lake, Daphne was talking about the world seen in the dark, like she was trying to sell Sam on something. Proselytizing, maybe? Sam had better be careful.

-- Apparently, Texas vampires are like cowboys. Eric said that Godric could have been King of Texas if he had wanted. Eric also referred to the Queen. I'm assuming he meant the Queen of Louisiana.

-- The porn movies available at the vampire hotel were: "Intercourse with the Vampire: The sexual history of vampires," "Who will he choose? His first fangbang," and "Co-ed Chowdown. Real fangs. Hot vamp on vamp action!" The first fangbang guy looked familiar. Does Reverend Newlin have a vampire porn past?

-- What did Jessica get Leon to yell out loud in the hotel lobby?

-- The last few moments were about another telepath named Barry who works at the Hotel Carmilla in Dallas. Sookie doesn't get out much. She goes to Dallas, and there's a telepath. How many telepaths are out there?


Bill: "Are you going to leave, or am I going to have to throw you out? Through a window that is closed?"
Sookie: "Bill, that is just rude."

Jason: "Evil is making the premedicated choice to be a dick."

Luke: "One thing you can count on. God will make sure evil gets punished."
Jason: "Yeah? Then explain Europe to me."
Luke always gets this confused look on his face when Jason tells him something Jason thinks is profound. It's so funny.

Terry: "Thought you was leaving."
Sam: "Haven't left yet."
Terry: "That mean you ain't leaving?"
Sam: "No, it means I haven't left yet."
Terry: "So you are leaving."
Sam: "Haven't left yet."
Terry: "Dumb ass."

Sookie: "I've always liked these. They're like booze for dolls. They gave me ten."

Desk clerk: "I have you down for a room with no bed."
Bill (to Sookie) "Eric."

Eric: "What Sookie finds meaningful, I find curious."

Another fast-moving, fun to watch episode. They're on a roll,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. i believe that Leon yelled:

    "Becky Eubanks is ______(seems like she meant whore with other words) who let Chase finger her in the Church"

  2. Ohhhhh, a stuck up whore I think :-) I completely missed it the first time too, thanks cheza.

    Great review Billie :-) I'm loving the book elements such as Anubis and the telepathic bellboy mixed in with novel stuff such as Jessica and living Lafayette! Its very good reading reviews from someone who has read the books and picks up on stuff like the reference to the Queen :-)

  3. Thanks, Cheza and Harry. I think you're right about what Jessica said. I used to be able to just turn on the close captioning when I couldn't make out what someone said, but high def doesn't have close captioning. It's really frustrating.

  4. Billie, thank you for another great review. It makes me need to watch the episode again because apparently I missed a lot. I am a bit tired of the Maryanne orgies; I think we all get it, she throws parties where people go crazy. My friend insists she is a maenad (a mythical figure related to the God Bacchus) and she wants Eggs and Tara to mate and produce offspring. I don't know about that, but she is clearly interested on those two getting it on (and the prevs for the next episode had a scene in which Eggs told Tara he and Maryanne took care of each other). I really thought Lafayette was going to be turned into a vampire, but him being high on V (and owing Eric a huge favor) was even better. Eric turns into a more interesting character each week. What's up with Bill's makeup? He looked so grayish-green this week that it was evident he is dead...

  5. This one was so much fun! I especially liked the Jessica parts and that dance Lafayette made after drinking Eric´s blood. That was amazing.

  6. "Maybe Jesus was the first vampire. I mean, he rose from the dead, too. And he told people, 'Hey, y'all. Drink my blood. It'll give you special powers.'" Other than the fact that the Bible I read never quoted Jesus as saying 'y'all' (though I kind of wish it did), I loved this. Can you imagine that speech getting through on any network other than HBO? I highly doubt it. The joys of not having to worry about advertisers.

    My favourite scene was Sarah dancing and drinking beer (!!) to Sammy Kershaw. Jason is so uncomfortable; Steve is oblivious, but not to Jason. Hilarious.

    I found the birthday party to be mildly uncomfortable. Especially at the end, with everyone so out of control, I really didn't want to watch too much of that. The food, the dirt, the black eyes -- yuck.

    According to the BluRay closed captioning, Leon says, "Becky Eubanks is a stuck-up whore who let Jayce finger her in the church."

    I know it's geeky, but I love continuity errors. In this one, when Jason punches Luke, his second button in undone. When he sits on his bed seconds later, it's done. Oops.


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