When Heroes finally limped to a close at the end of season four, though, I was sorry that I didn't finish reviewing the last seven episodes. I don't feel that I can take it on now, because it would require too much rewatching. But I had a thought. Why don't I put together links to some of the better reviews that are still out there, and post them instead? That way, I could satisfy my urge for completion and give any Doux Reviews readers who got to this point something to check out.
So here you go.
Barbara Mountjoy of Firefox News wrote:
Highlights of the episodes include Hiro's hilariously confusing return to Japan and scattered sci-fi confetti conversation (which Ando, bless him, actually pieces together), and the realization that while Samuel grows stronger as he recruits more and more talented people to his side, the members of the carnival are reaching out to Claire, Sylar, H.R.G. and others on the "right" side of the balance for help in escaping Samuel's madness.
Does this mean in the end they'll all be working together to foil the bad guy, like at the end of season one? Is it possible the writers remembered what everyone loved about those episodes? We can only hope it's true, particularly if Heroes is really on the bubble of cancellation. More episodes like these might just save the show. (Link deleted because unfortunately, this review is no longer on the web.)
Robert Canning at IGN wrote:
Instead of coming back with a bang, the show continued its steady pace and mannered storytelling. It's true that you should be careful what you wish for, as these restrained tales have sort of sucked the excitement out of a once hit series about people with super powers. Both "Upon This Rock" and "Let It Bleed" dragged along, even with the return of Sylar's consciousness to his often bare-chested body. Surprisingly, the plotline I enjoyed most from the night was Hiro looking for his Sancho Panza. (For the entire review, click here.)
Jennifer Thomas from Entertaining Ideas wrote:
After being off for more than a month, I expected Heroes to come back with some pizzazz, but it was a pretty dull two hours. It had its moments -- Peter getting Claire's ex West's ability to fly so he could honor Nathan -- but not much ground was gained. Except, you know, for the desert garden newbie nature guy, Ian, created. It's a good sign they don't feel the need to make everything a massive undertaking, but a little more life would have been appreciated. (Link deleted because unfortunately, this review is no longer on the web.)
Dan Owen at Dan's Media Digest wrote:
A double-bill of dreariness to kick-start the second-half of Heroes' improved, if languid fourth year. It's puzzling why this show seems to have given up trying to do the basics expected of a superhero drama, particularly one fresh back from a four-week hiatus. Where's the energy? The momentum? The kick up the backside to launch the final run of episodes? (For the entire review, click here.)
For what it's worth, Dan Owen's reviews are probably my favorite.
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