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Holiday Gift Guide: Lost

If you missed the auction of Lost memorabilia back in August, there are still perfect gifts for the Lost fan on your holiday list.

Of course, the big one would be plane tickets to Hawaii. Unless you happen to live in Hawaii. (It always makes me snicker when a huge prize is a trip to Los Angeles, and I imagine residents of the Hawaiian islands feel much the same way.) Your happy gift recipient could brood about (or gleely anticipate) the plane crashing the entire way, too.

If your budget won't allow, what about a toy airplane? Or tickets to the zoo? Hey! Lottery tickets!

If your gift recipient is a reader, there are scads of Lost-related books out there. During the run of the series, I compiled a list of titles that were mentioned during episodes, mostly the ones that Sawyer was reading. That might be too subtle a gift, but no harm in mentioning it since I get about two and a half cents for everything ordered through my site. It keeps me in thimbles.

And as Josie mentioned in her Holiday Gift Guide for Fringe, the World Wildlife Federation gives you the option of adopting a polar bear. That seems like the absolute perfect gift for a Lost fan who loves animals. I sort of hate the thought of those beautiful bears roaming around Oahu, all hot and uncomfortable.

(In all seriousness, I don't have a lot to give to charities, but I donate a small amount every month to the World Wildlife Federation, Farm Sanctuary, and a small no-kill animal shelter in the Los Angeles area.)

And if the Lost finale left you feeling angry and stressed, how about a gift certificate for yoga lessons, meditation, or massage therapy? You know, hippie crap?

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. Eyeliner would be a great gift for the hardcore fans.

  2. I'm going for the lottery ticket, Billie. If I win, you get half......well, ten percent...well, some.


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