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Newsflash: Haven Renewed and Other Stories

Last week was all about cancellations (so long, The Playboy Club, Free Agents, How to be a Gentleman, we hardly cared to know you). This week seems to be all about renewals and pick ups. And for shows we give a damn about, too.

--Despite earlier rumours that the series was facing cancellation, Syfy have renewed Haven for a 13-episode third season. The network also announced that Christmas Specials for Eureka, Warehouse 13 and Haven will air 6th December, the fourth season of Merlin will start 6th January and the second season of Being Human and the first season of my favourite guilty pleasure, Lost Girl, will both start 16th January.

--The CW has picked up Ringer, Hart of Dixie and The Secret Circle for full seasons.

--The BBC have renewed Case Histories for a second season. Based on the books by Kate Atkinson, the series stars Jason Isaacs as Jackson Brodie, a former police officer now working as a private investigator in Edinburgh. The first season will start airing on PBS this Sunday. Watch it, it's great.

--Boardwalk Empire has also been renewed for a third season by HBO.


  1. Kate Atkison's Case Histories! Hooray!

    I hope this doesn't mean the last episode of Inspector Lewis was the last, because it was a real dud.

  2. Fear not, Josie. A sixth season of Lewis has been commissioned, to air in 2012.

    On an unrelated note, the captcha for this comment was just one letter away from the filthiest swear word in existence? Be honest, are you responsible for this rather amusing feature?

  3. "Lewis" is actually an ITV show, not BBC, so that's probably why it's not mentioned.

    Also, it's probably a good indication that the show will continue to be on air for a long, long time (see Taggart, Heartbeat).

  4. I couldn't find the "Suggestion Box" post, so thought I'd post this here, sorry if you want me to move it!

    I recommend the new UK series The Fades airing on BBC3. It's about ghosts a.k.a "Fades", but it's not your typical ghost story, it's from some of the creative team of the original Being Human.

    I really didn't think much of the first 2 episodes, but the third really upped the ante and the 4th, which aired in the UK last night, blew me away! So stick with it even if you don't like the pilot.

  5. Oops, managed to find the Suggestion Box, how did I manage to miss that?!

  6. lol, I came here to recommend THE FADES as well =) Stephen is totally right, the 4th epi blew me away 2.

    I dont think anything like that happened to me is a loooong long time. you really REALLY need to watch that show guys!!!

    It is so amazing <3<3<3


  7. I third the suggestion of THE FADES. It's amazing and never does what you expect!

  8. It looks like The Fades will premiere in April 2012 in America. It sounds exciting!


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