Since there isn't a whole lot of genre news or photos of cute celebrity babies with cats this week, here's a list of the upcoming fall premieres. As usual, it doesn't include all of them -- just the shows we review, new genre-like shows, and a few that we just watch.
Monday, August 13
Grimm: And it's season two. Running pretty early. Is it really starting this early? Oddly enough, since it's a big fantasy show, I haven't been watching Grimm and we still don't have a Grimm reviewer. Any Grimm fans here?
[UPDATE: We now have a Grimm reviewer! Welcome to the site, Katie Hart!]
Saturday, September 1
Doctor Who: The Doctor returns! I hear there will be Daleks. Actually, I'm not a fan of the Dalek, but Doctor Who finally returns! It's been too long. Paul Kelly is our resident Whovian and he'll be covering this season. Actually, we have two Whovians, but Mark Greig is currently back in time reviewing the Tom Baker years.
Thursday, September 13
Glee: It's season four, with cast changes and who knows what they're going to do. Harry Earle has been our resident Glee reviewer for the past couple of seasons, but he's bowing out. We're not planning to cover season four.
Monday, September 17
Revolution: This is the Eric Kripke/J.J. Abrams electricity apocalypse series, and despite early negative critiques of the ads, I'm looking forward to it. All of the shows I'm currently reviewing have been around for awhile, and I'm ready for something new. And I'm planning to review it. Unless, of course, it really sucks.
Friday, September 21
Haven: It used to run during the summer, but Haven just made the shift to fall. Based on a Stephen King story, Haven's X-Files-ish weird New England horror is entering its third season. Drnanamom has been reviewing it for us and will continue doing the honors this fall.
Monday, September 24
Castle: ChrisB, who recently joined us and is currently posting Castle retro reviews, will be covering season five for us. Yes, it's a procedural, but we love our Captain Tightpants.
Hawaii Five-O: We don't cover it, but some of us love this silly cop show. Mostly because of the geek-a-licious cast. And tell me, please, why the television scheduling gods decided to run Hawaii Five-O, Castle and Revolution in the same time slot?
Thursday, September 27
Person of Interest: I watch this one, and we're hoping to cover Person of Interest this coming second season. Stay tuned for an announcement later this month. [UPDATED: New contributor Sunbunny is now covering Person of Interest for us! Welcome to the site, Sunbunny!]
Last Resort: This new ABC show sounds a bit like the latest entry in the "it's the new Lost" sweepstakes. Katie Hart reviewed the premiere episode.
The Big Bang Theory: Season six premieres.
Elementary: We cover Sherlock here, so maybe the less said, the better.
Friday, September 28
Fringe returns for its fifth and final season, and Josie Kafka will be reviewing it. I'm still sort of in a state of pleasant shock that it wasn't cancelled, and we're gonna get an actual ending.
Sunday, September 30 (talk about television scheduling gods)
Once Upon a Time: Season two begins, and Panda will be covering it for us. Once Upon a Time got a lot of press last season. Here's hoping that it will continue to intrigue and delight us.
Revenge: Season two begins, and Nadim will be covering it for us. I still haven't seen this show; I'm waiting for the DVD release, but I'm hoping to catch up so that I can watch the second season as it airs.
Dexter: After a disappointing sixth season capped by a shocking finale, Dexter returns and I'm definitely reviewing it.
666 Park Avenue: This one looks interesting and fantasy-horror like, has Terry O'Quinn, and could be cool. Nadim will be covering it for us.
The Mentalist: I've only recently gotten into this show, which is a procedural with a twist. We're not covering it, but I'm watching it and looking forward to season five.
Homeland: Second season premiere.
Wednesday, October 3
Supernatural: I'm floored that my current favorite show is about to begin an eighth season (with a new showrunner, yet) and of course, I'm reviewing it. I'm in it until the bitter end, whenever that is. It's funny looking back at season one; the boys were so young. We've seen them grow up on this show, haven't we?
Tuesday, October 9
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog finally gets the small-screen treatment it has always deserved on The CW.
Wednesday, October 10
Arrow: The CW's new superhero show is touted to be like Smallville, but darker. We shall see. Samantha M. Quinn will be reviewing the show for us.
Thursday, October 11
The Vampire Diaries: Talk about cliffhanging shockers. I can't wait for the return of The Vampire Diaries, and of course, Josie Kafka will be reviewing it.
Beauty and the Beast: I feel compelled to mention this one because it's a new fantasy show on the CW following The Vampire Diaries, but as one who enjoyed the Linda Hamilton/Ron Perlman original, I am planning to stay far, far away from this one. No one on the writing staff has yet volunteered to review the pilot, but perhaps someone will. And it could surprise us. Although I am expecting a brief run and a quick cancellation.
Sunday, October 14
The Walking Dead: The third season of AMC's outstanding zombie apocalypse begins, and Dr. Nana Mom will be reviewing it.
Wednesday, October 17
American Horror Story relocate the chills and thrills but doesn't book Jessica Lange off the island.
Friday, October 19
Community: Our favorite twisted sitcom returns for an abbreviated (13 episode) fourth season without its creator, and Mark Greig will be reviewing it. Only the television gods know if the show can survive the loss of Dan Harmon. All we know is that the timeline is now 90% darker as a result.
Nikita: We all thought it was going to be cancelled, but no! The new Nikita will be returning for a third season, and Nadim will be covering it.
Friday, October 26
Touch: Season two premiere. I stopped watching after the second episode, but I hear it's getting good. Should I give it another shot?
I know that Being Human, Misfits and Merlin will be returning at some point but I have only a vague awareness of the schedules of UK shows. If you know when they're returning, post a comment and I'll add them. And I don't think American Horror Story has announced a premiere date yet, although it will probably be in October.
So what are you most looking forward to? And what did I miss? (I'll add it!) ---
--- Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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ReplyDeleteI watch Grimm religiously but not sure I love it. It's interesting but the writing, at least the first season, is pretty weak and forced. I am a major Whedon and Straczynski geek though. I live in Portland, so I LOVE seeing where they have filmed etc. As Zob said they are starting to weave the backdrop of the universe, I just hope they do that with zeal. Character chemistry seems to be settling in too, I really like the rapport with Silas Weir Mitchell and Bree Turner. They were smart to write her in to the remainder of the season. I also think David is a little weak but hope he comes into his own. Some of the special effects seem really rough too, but I try to remember it's the first season and reflect on how season 1 of Babylon 5 was to regain perspective.
ReplyDeleteBeing Human normally starts the second or third week of January so that'd make it 13th/20th January 2013. That's just pure speculation based on previous years though.
ReplyDeleteAccording to wiki Misfits is due back in October but nothing more detailed than that.
I hope you guys do continue to review Glee - it's a dumb as a sack of rocks sometimes but it's fun to read the reviews.
Ahhh so many new shows this year! I'm so excited! Arrow, 666 Park Avenue, Revolution, Last Resort! I really hope all of them (doubtful) turn out to be awesome new additions to our list of favorites. They definitely have intriguing concepts and a plethora of talent involved!
ReplyDeleteAs for Beauty and The Beast, I can't wait to see it fall flat on its face. I've read so many reviews of the pilot and they all the same thing: it's an embarrassing piece of television and not even in a guilty pleasure sort of way.
VERY reluctant to watch Glee...After all, the initial premise has been completed : bunch of losers go against all odds, get bullied and humiliated, but they keep on and up, and yes, they eventually get the big trophy. Yay. The end.
ReplyDeleteVery eager for Fringe, Castle, Community, Parenthood and New Girl. Lukewarm though for Modern Family, which has lost its LMAO status.
(And in September, I'll still be on my Lost marathon.)
Season five of Merlin will likely start September 29, after the first half of Doctor Who season seven has finished airing. That's assuming DW starts up August 25. The BBC has a habit of not announcing air dates until the very last minute.
ReplyDeleteI'm increasingly convinced UK TV schedulers only have a vague awareness of UK TV schedules, so there's no chance for the rest of us! As Mark says, we don't even know when Doctor Who is starting - I though it wasn't coming out until November, though am glad I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you posted this schedule. It's so much easier to have one that lists only shows I watch, not all that other nonsense. :-)
ReplyDeleteLast I check Merlin was definitely starting up again on Sat Sept 29 (*sob* still over a month to go!).
ReplyDeleteWoah! Those are A LOT of shows you guys will be covering this year! :o)
I'm very curious as to how they will be managing Glee with the cast spread out in different cities... Crazily looking forward to Arrow, desperately hoping Revolution lives up to its potential, and hoping Beauty and the Beast is better than it has any right to be. :p
(plus looking forward to sooo many more! It's an embarrassment of riches!)
Touch definitely got better and has entered "serialized" status...there is now a greater mystery that makes the show much more interesting than the "connections of the week" theme (IMO).
ReplyDeleteCan I jump into POI? - I only watched a few of the season 1 episodes.
Sooze, I think you can jump right into Person of Interest. There's arc-like stuff, but it's still pretty episodic.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to see retro reviews of the original Perlman/Hamilton Beauty and the Beast on here!
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