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Nikita: Betrayals

"Operation Sparrow? Honestly, where does he come up with these names?"

This was undoubtedly Percy's episode, and it did an impressive job of elevating our Big Bad to a whole other level. While I still think Amanda suits the show better as its primary antagonist, this hour cemented Percy as a brilliant and surprisingly perceptive psychopath.

Percy revealed quite a few things in this one (and it did border on extreme exposition-dump for a while there). The twists include: Semak ordering the Division hit on Alex's dad, the existence of the kill chip which Nikita had tried to hide, and of course the fact that Nikita was the one who shot Alex's father. He played a good game -- manipulating Alex and making her question why she was even in Division. While Alex turning on Nikita still seems far-fetched to me because the latter did so much to help her out, Percy planting the seeds of doubt was definitely realistic.

On top of everything, Percy showed how intelligent he was by divulging that he'd known for quite a while that Michael, Alex and Nikki had been working together. I was really amazed by this development as the writers touched on specific instances and moments throughout the season that we as an audience could have let slide. It just made Percy seem all the more majestic and horrifying. While I still prefer Amanda as a whole, Percy was undeniably at his best in this episode.

Bits & Bullets:

- While amusing, Amanda slapping Alex like a child seemed much too soapy for Division.

- The look on Amanda's face when Percy asked her to leave the room will haunt me for many years to come.

- Loved the analyst blaring rock music as Nikki kicked ass, with a computer screen no less.

- Heartbreaking scene as Alex relived the original attack on her home.

- Amazing twist with Percy knocking Michael out with an electric shock after the latter turned on him with the gun.

- Loved Percy's chess analogy and trying to turn Alex into his "Queen."

- Ryan served his purpose in this episode and he got a nice moment commending Alex on her bravery.

- Nikita screaming "I should have said no" about her past missions was especially touching and powerful.

- The ending with Alex shooting Nikita was an excellent one, although it wasn't particularly suspenseful.

Nikki Notables:

Alex: (To Percy) Amanda's very proud of this. And hopes you'll give her a big kiss.
Analyst: (About Michael) Who does this guy work for?
Nikita: We just sleep together.

Percy: So innocent. How did you get from there to here?
Alex: It started the night you burned my house down.

Ryan: What am I supposed to do?
Nikita: Duck.

Ryan: (To Nikita) Tom Cruise on a harness couldn't get in there.

- An excellent penultimate episode that does a splendid job of setting up the season finale.

4 out of 5 chess pieces.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. I thought this was one was brilliantly done. It could have felt like one giant ret-con, but the flashbacks showed us that it wasn't. I love it when a story can turn like that.

    Xander Berkeley deserves all kinds of kudos for his acting. Always good, he knocked it out of the park this week. I especially liked his scenes with Alex -- the cold, yet paternalistic way he spoke was chilling.

    And I agree with you about the look that Amanda gave him. I think he may live to regret that particular decision.

  2. I liked this a lot but I just don´t buy the fact that Percy has been pulling all the strings all along and that Nikita handing over the box was part of his plan. It just sounds too convenient.

  3. Alex's surgery to actually remove the kill-chip is still a couple of weeks away. And I know that Nikita (with Ryan's help getting Alex's frequency through Birkhoff's account) can manipulate its outbound signal, but how was it deactivated before Percy reactivated it?


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