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666 Park Avenue: Murmurations

"I have to cook for billionaires?"

Much better. I can finally see how 666 Park Avenue will look like week to week. The irony of course is that the ratings are terrible and the show probably won't even last a season. That's a pity because I thought Murmurations was a welcome improvement over the pilot.

When I first heard about the whole "tenant of the week" format the show would be employing, I was hesitant. I'm not really a fan of standalones and much prefer a long-term mythology with characters I grow to love with every passing episode. Thankfully, the introduction of Danielle in this hour did not overwhelm the rest of the show. In fact, it blended beautifully with Jane's discoveries and Gavin's real estate plot (as his rival was conveniently slaughtered). The reveal with her murdering men and retaining her youth isn't the most creative, but it was still an intriguing development.

Honestly I don't know if I'm really enjoying the show or I'm enjoying the idea of the show (especially with such an epic cast and locale). Really I'm quite disappointed the ratings are so atrocious as I really would have liked immersing myself in the world. I love productions set in New York and I especially love The Drake setting. Here's hoping for a miracle and the show at least gets to tell a somewhat complete and satisfying story.

And seriously why the hell is Vanessa Williams even on the show? How could they possible under-utilize her to such a degree? Do they even know what a dynamic talent they have in her? The third episode better be solely dedicated to Miss Williams because she will undoubtedly elevate the whole thing to another level. Seriously this is unacceptable.

Sinister Snippets:

- Henry has been pretty boring so far. I wish he was given more to do.

- The cinematography on this show is still gorgeous. God I want to live in The Drake.

- So are Brian and Alexis having a full on affair now? Can't deny they make an attractive couple.

- I enjoyed Jane & Henry's dinner party with the Dorans. I wish we spent more time with them.

- Loved the stylistic shots of Danielle murdering men throughout the decades. The visuals had a beautiful pop-up feel to them.

- This show really needs to learn how to do a proper cliffhanger. There's literally zero suspense with Jane being trapped under the building.

All in all, 666 Park Avenue's second hour was a welcome improvement over the pilot. Let's see if they can keep this up.

3 out of 5 starlings.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Good review, Nadim.

    I agree that this episode was better than the pilot, but I am still not sold. Horror is not my favorite genre and this seems like weak horror at best.

    I am not feeling at all invested in any of the characters yet. I did like the idea of Danielle regaining her youth by committing murder, but it would have been fun to spend a bit more time with her.

    It is becoming more and more clear that we will be lucky to make it to November sweeps with this story. I am sticking around solely to see how they wrap it all up.


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