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Revenge: Resurrection

"Before you can rise from the dead, you have to spend a few days in hell."

I adored Revenge last year; it really was my favorite new drama of the year. However, this year's premiere, while enjoyable, didn't prove to be as thrilling as I wanted it to be. While this episode still had its share of flaws, it was a definite improvement and a step in the right direction.

The episode's highlight was undoubtedly Victoria. It was a joy (as always) to watch her plot, scheme and wriggle her way back into the Hamptons. Asking Conrad to brutally attack her was just plain sick and I loved it (although it felt a bit much even for the show). Moreover, I continue to be pleasantly surprised by Charlotte this year. Last season she couldn't be more irritating, but now she feels like an integral part of the cast with a layered personality to boot. It really broke my heart to watch her bond with Faux-Amanda as Emily watched on. This episode really made me realize how much I can't wait for Emily to reveal her true identity. I hope it happens soon and that it isn't dragged out for countless seasons.

While I enjoy Nolan in small doses, I have no interest in this sudden emphasis on his work and the introduction of Padma. Does Nolan really need a love interest? Isn't his dynamic with Emily enough? Worse still is Declan, who continues to grate as the most annoying character on television. Why should I care about him and that stupid necklace? Seriously, I want to know what the hell the writers are smoking and why they insist on dragging down the show with such a pointless character and storyline. It's inexcusable and beyond frustrating.

Finally, I'm also getting impatient with Emily's mom; I'd really like to meet her already. I know it sounds like I'm harping on the show but I just want it to be phenomenal again. This was a pretty good hour but I expect more after a masterful debut season where the standards were set unimaginably high. Honestly, I'm beginning to forget why I loved this show so much, so I'm hoping for a mind-blowing hour soon to shock me back into reality.

Vengeful Bits:

- Loved Emily's mom morphing into Victoria leading into Emily choking Nolan. Hilarious!

- Queen V announcing herself to Conrad on the phone was pretty epic.

- Charlotte and Daniel's relationship is another highlight this year. I'm really feeling the bond surprisingly.

- Can I just say Madeleine Stowe still looks hot while beaten to a pulp?

- Emily's "son of a bitch" cracked me up.

- So Jack IS the father. How unfortunate. I did like Emily lying, though. It shows she's not above playing dirty.

- I really didn't like White-Haired Man getting the upper-hand on Emily. She doesn't usually let her guard down.

- So what's the story with Aiden? He's on the Grayson Global board and then he saved Emily by shooting WHM. I must say I am intrigued.

Devious Delights:

Nolan: This is why you shouldn't fall asleep watching horror movies.
Emily: I was watching Victoria.
Nolan: Exactly.

Nolan: (To Emily) What now, Revenger?

Nolan: I don't think my employees have any respect for me.
Emily: Why would they? You're not wearing pants.

Victoria: (To Charlotte) Sunshine and happy thoughts aren't going to get us through this, we need money to survive!

Emily: Is Victoria's heart still beating?
Nolan: Was it ever?

Conrad: (To Victoria) So it's true; even the Devil himself didn't want you.

Victoria: (To Conrad) Hit me. And do it like a man, if that's even possible.
Conrad: Oh dear, nothing would give me greater pleasure.

- All in all, a welcome improvement over the premiere, but I still want more excitement.

3.5 out of 5 fake beatings.

Previously posted at Nad's Reviews.


  1. Thanks for clearing up whether Jack is the father or not; I was really confused as to if he actually was the father.

    I'm really hoping that Emily and Daniel reunite, even for a little while. I felt like they didn't have closure at the end of last season, so it's nice where they're going with this.

    And could Emily PLEASE take Ashley down at some point?

  2. The character I can't stand is Ashley! I don't have much of a problem with Declan.

    Aiden isn't necessarily on the GG board, that was a meeting with their chief investors and he was there representing Takeda.

    Glad to see the end of WHM, also surprised he got the jump on Emily though!

    Dunno, I'm happy with this season so far! Really looking forward to seeing how it develops. Besides, remember what we saw in the premiere: you might get your wish and be rid of Declan after all! ;o)

  3. I'm with Morgan and Cris -- let's get rid of Ashley. She bugs me much more than Declan.

    I was shocked that Jack turned out to the father of the baby. I really, really thought the writers were going to use that out. Very interesting that they did not and I am intrigued where they are going with this plot line.

    As for Madeline Stowe? She is magnificent. Why she hasn't won every award out there is beyond me.

  4. I agree with CrazyCris, I don't see anything wrong with this season either. It's still as juicy and funny as ever! It's certainly not doing anything that warrants getting anger over it. Remember it's just a TV show LOL!


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