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Supernatural: We Need to Talk About Kevin

Dean: "Cliff notes? I went to Purgatory, Sam hit a dog."

That was awesome. A year apart, and the brothers changed again, big time.

It was like Dean went to hunter marine boot camp. A year in Purgatory turned him into a clear-eyed, hard core monster-killing machine. His voice sounded rougher and lower, and I could swear that his hair was a quarter-inch shorter. He ate a hamburger and drank a beer at the cabin, but he appears to have kicked his alcohol addiction. No booze in Purgatory, perhaps? Was there food? It sounded like Dean was a huge target for the vamps, so someone must have been eating something. I'm guessing there was no sleep in Purgatory, because Dean wasn't sleeping.

Interestingly, Dean befriended a good old boy vampire named Benny in Purgatory, and teaming up got both of them out. I liked that Dean kept his word to a monster, since he sometimes feels that he doesn't have to. Were they together the entire year? Are we going to get more flashbacks? (Loved the colorless flashbacks; the photography was outstanding.) They must have seriously bonded if Dean was calling him "brother." And they actually hugged. Are they keeping each other "sober"? Is Benny off the blood?

While Dean got back in touch with his inner warrior, Sam went soft core. A girlfriend named Amelia, a dog, and a long vacation from hunting. It was a new look for Sam, and I'm not just talking about the uberfluffy hair. After causing an apocalypse, spending a hundred years in a box with the Devil, followed by losing everyone he ever loved, I'm not surprised that Sam chose to check out. But Dean was deeply disappointed that Sam didn't search for him, in spite of their pact. Even worse, Sam ignored Kevin's phone pleas for help.

Did Sam know that Dean was coming back? It appeared that he did. Why else would he leave Amelia and turn up at Rufus's cabin just as Dean was released? Who was watching Sam from the shadows? If Sam knew, who told him?

Kevin changed, too. He not only lost about five pounds of hair, he also acquired some clarity and guts, too. He even had a sense of humor about it. I wasn't surprised that he didn't surrender to Crowley to save his unfortunate girlfriend, Channing; the stakes are very high, and Crowley is not what I'd call trustworthy. And yay for the return of Crowley, and the monster hints that he's about to become a major adversary this season. Yes, please, give me the stuff I love best on this show: angels, demons, gates to Hell, and God Rocks, one for Leviathan, one for Demons. How to close the gates of Hell forever? Hey, that's end of the series stuff; Sam and Dean could actually retire.

Big questions remain. What happened to Castiel? Is it really possible to close the gates of Hell forever? And how did Sam know that Dean had gotten out of Purgatory, if he knew, and I think he did.

Many locations:

This episode featured what was probably their personal best in number of locations.

— 100-Mile Wilderness, Maine
— Clayton, Louisiana
— Kermit, Texas
— The cabin in Whitefish, Montana
— Purgatory
— What's the Point U, Channing's safety school (was that the University of Michigan?)
— River Bluff Veterinary Hospital. Where was that?
— Fairfield, Iowa
— Wherever Crowley was holding Kevin
— Crowley in Wisconsin in the middle of a herd of goats

Bits and pieces:

— This season's credits are the God Rock. Love it.

— I thought those kids camping in the opener were toast. I am so not a gun person, but after seven seasons of Supernatural and a ton of horror movies, I'd never go camping without several guns and a guard dog.

— Loved Dean's homemade (or purgatory made) beheading implement.

— Did they intentionally add a dog because Jared Padalecki is a dog lover? Did Crowley call Sam "Moose" because Jared refers to himself that way? That was nice.

— This week's dive was the Palm Motel. It took its name very seriously. That was a lot of palms.

Quotes, and I had to be selective so feel free to add any I missed to the comments:

Sam: "I don't know whether to give you a hug or take a shower."
Do they do this stuff deliberately for the slash writers?

Sam: "Dude, you're freaking alive. I mean, what the hell happened?"
Dean: "Well, I guess standing too close to exploding Dick sends your ass straight to Purgatory."

Sam: "I don't hunt any more."
Dean: "Yeah, and Sasha Grey's gone legit. (looks at Sam) What?"
Sam: "Nothing. She did a Soderbergh movie."

Dean: "The rules are simple, Sam! You don't take a joint from a guy named Don, and there's no dogs in the car."
Anyone know what the Don reference means? I have no idea.

Crowley: "Where's your angel?"
Dean: "Ask your mother."
Crowley: "There's that grade school zip. Missed it, I really did. Moose! Still with the pork chops?"
Was that a reference to Sam's hair? Or did he mean the muttonchop whiskers?

This season opener made me very happy. I love the direction and I love the possibilities. Three and a half out of four homemade vampire beheading implements,

Billie Doux has been reviewing Supernatural for so long that Dean and Sam Winchester feel like old friends. Courageous, adventurous, gorgeous old friends.


  1. I'm excited as well. They seem to have come up with another season's worth of fun. I really don't know how the writer's keep pulling it off. I don't think Sam ignored Kevin's pleas. He just didn't answer the phone. Which is kind of the same thing but just a little less lame. I felt like it took us back full circle to the first season where Sam was the reluctant partner. Great episode, great review. I can't wait for this season.

  2. I like to think that Don reference was about the pickup driver that dropped Dean off at the cabin.
    We think right now it's about closing the hellgates
    but it may turn out to be something completely different by the end of the season.
    Also every time they solve one problem, the situation just gets
    worse, so they might solve the demon problem at the end of the season but unleash some new hell.
    I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  3. IMDB tells me the actor who played Benny also played a vampire in Season 2 (the episode with Amber Benson and Gordon the psychotic hunter). Is that the same character?

    1. Yes Benny played a vampire in season 2, the episode where they meet Gordon Walker for the first time. Lenor is the head of the pack that Benny was in, and none of the vampires in that episode killed humans,they lived solely on the blood of cattle.
      We also see Lenoir again in season 6, the episode.. where Cass finds her, so that she could tell them where Eve was, known as the "Mother of All"

  4. "I am so not a gun person, but after seven seasons of Supernatural and a ton of horror movies, I'd never go camping without several guns and a guard dog."

    I feel better now that I know I wasn't the only one thinking that exact thing. :-)

  5. Awesome?. Really?. I thought this was completely underwhelming, and they passed over some things so quick that they could have just said "last season's ending was a dream" and barely be done with it faster.

    I liked it, but it had some big flaws, and I'm worried about those.

  6. I thought this opener was fine. It didn't leave me super excited, but I'm not running for the exits either. I'm curious to see how they continue filling in the blanks, and how things start to come together over the course of the season. Crowley is always a joy, so yea!

    I agree with Doc that Sam didn't ignore Kevin, he just missed all his calls because he threw his phones in a box and walked away from the life. Of course, Sam probably should have done more to try to find or rescue Kevin, knowing that Crowley had him.

  7. I really, really liked it. Loved the Dean´s flashbacks and this renewed Kevin.
    I wonder what will happen next.

  8. how good is the battery on those sam's phones????

  9. Does anyone know who the dude was in purgatory that Dean beheaded against the tree? Dude was hot! And Benny isn't bad to look at either. I LOVED this episode. It had everything I love about Supernatural.

  10. It honestly wasn't as good of a season opener as past seasons (4,5,6,7) It didn't live up to the hype and I was just waiting for the big plot twist or reveal, but nothing.

    Not too mention, it didn't seem like a Supernatural episode at all. They seemed to completely ignore the fact that theres still thousands of Leviathans running around, and I can't seem to believe the world is back to normal after Season 7 (Even if it is Supernatural, after all)

    Pretty weak season opener, hopefully it gets better.

  11. It honestly wasn't as good of a season opener as past seasons (4,5,6,7) It didn't live up to the hype and I was just waiting for the big plot twist or reveal, but nothing.

    Not too mention, it didn't seem like a Supernatural episode at all. They seemed to completely ignore the fact that theres still thousands of Leviathans running around, and I can't seem to believe the world is back to normal after Season 7 (Even if it is Supernatural, after all)

    Pretty weak season opener, hopefully it gets better.

  12. Like Doc, I was struck with the similarities to the first season opener -- especially Sam walking away from a "normal" life to join his brother.

    I'mm sure I missed something, but I got the impression that Dean had called Sam to tell him he was back. Thus began the whole conversation about Dean's trying so many of Sam's numbers. But, I hope I'm wrong. I would much prefer a more supernatural answer.

    Loved the flashbacks. More, please.

  13. Just now catching up on season 8 of Supernatural, and I AM SUPER EXCITED! I've missed this show so much.

    I'm pretty sure Dean called Sam because he had that line about trying all of Sam's numbers and them being out of service.

    I really liked Benny. And his accent. I'm from East Texas, right on the border of Louisiana and the accent sounded pretty legit to me. :)

  14. Shoe, if you're gonna be a constant downer in which Sam never seems as attached to Dean as Dean is to him and Dean must really be regretting that whole trip to Hell thing, I'm gonna need a lot more Castiel than this.

    Though I also wanted to slap Mr Judgmental for ragging on Sam about leaving the life (what was that year with Lisa and Ben, huh Dean?) and abandoning him when Sam thought he was dead, which would have sounded more wounded if he wasn't simultaneously abandoning a clearly not-quite-dead and probably tortured Castiel in Purgatory.

    Basically, everyone annoyed except Kevin (who's awesome) and I want Castiel back. At least the Impala's back, even smelling of dog!

  15. I don't blame Sam at all for leaving the life, but not trying to save Kevin? That's messed up. At least check your voicemail every so often.

    I didn't quite understand the purgatory scenes. I thought everything in purgatory was already dead, so how do you kill something that's already dead? I also wondered about what Dean ate the whole time he was there; maybe he didn't need to eat? Hopefully there will be more flashbacks explaining.

    This might just be because I'm a long time Rocky and Bullwinkle fan, but I always assumed that people called Sam "Moose" (I think Meg also did it last season) as a reference to the show. The villains on the show would call them "moose and squirrel" so I figured because Sam is the really tall one he's the moose to Dean's squirrel. =)

  16. BENNY!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 I loved him even before finding out he's that captain from BSG... what a cute hat. Don't you DARE kill him off!!
    Excellent premiere, felt like classic SPN except for some iffy stuff like Dean IMMEDIATELY coming back (in terms of the show's POV) and the dodginess about Cas's fate. I loved the song they used for his return though.. Man In The Wilderness by Styx. Crowley's a threat and back to the forefront again. And best of all, actual yearning for the purity of the gladiatorial lifestyle in Purgatory. Nice way to go instead of yet another traumatizing experience. Very good start.


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