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Lost Girl: Where There's a Will, There's a Fae

Kenzi: "Not everybody here is a nookie-powered Amazon."

A bit uneven, but there was a distinct theme going on... parents suck. At least that's my interpretation of what Bo and Michael were feeling through most of the episode. Both abandoned by the Fae world and the parents that live within that world, it makes the new society that Bo finds herself in feel more than a little hostile. All of the characters seem to be riddled with untold secrets and hidden agendas which adds to that hostile vibe surrounding our heroine.

At least she has her faithful Kenzi by her side. The banter tossed between Bo and Kenzi was just wonderful. I could feel a rapport solidifying between them already, which builds on the spark of friendship they started in the first episode. That can also be felt in Bo's fledgling relationships with Dyson and Lauren. Romantic looks and healing nookie dominated the emotional side of things. Still, there was obvious conflict in those two sets of pairings. But will Bo even try to choose between them? At the moment she seems to be more into Dyson, even if it's just to feed.

The green fire farting Fae (Will O' Wisp) was silly, and I loved Kenzi with the fire extinguisher. I just didn't care much for the plot that much. It was important in setting up some Fae society stuff though, such as the fact that human and Fae couples produce a kid without any special abilities. Also, both Trick and Will mentioned that humans had to be kept in the dark about Fae existence, but they didn't really go into why. And Trick seems to have some knowledge about Bo's origins, as does Dyson.

As for the hints about Bo's mother, and the revelation that Will saw Bo as a baby being chased by something dark as her nanny was running away with her? That felt a little out of place. Will felt a bit too random to have such important information about Bo's mysterious past. But it did feel like important set-up for later on. At least the resolution with Will and Michael was a happy one. I honestly wasn't sure which way the show would go, and it was telling that they went in the happier direction.


Hale's date with a Gemini, which is a Fae that can split itself in two, of course had a twin sister that he wanted to set up with Dyson. Talk about bizarre double dates.

The treasure looked really fake, and it was fun but entirely cliche that the treasure was in a wooden chest.

The story that Will told Bo about meeting Michael's mother was sweet, in a creepy sort of way. I can totally understand why Michael couldn't cope with what happened to his mother, though.

The headless assassin was a neat gimmicky Fae, but I can't really see how removing their heads would be beneficial in combat. But I loved Kenzi's expression when she saw it happen.


Bo: "It's kind of tough growing up thinking you might have a shot at being prom queen when you find out you're part of some ageless secret race that feeds on humans."
Kenzi: "I hate it when that happens."

Kenzi: "How about we make a deal? We don't kill where we shop."

Bo: "Nice decor. Early Tolkien?"
Trick: "Where do you think he got it from?"

Bo: "Thanks for the cock block."

Interesting and fun, but a little forgettable.

2 out of 4 Green flame spouts.

Samantha M. Quinn spends most of her time in front of a computer typing away at one thing or another; when she has free time, she enjoys pretty much anything science fiction or fantasy-related.


  1. I'm rewatching Lost Girl, too, and I agree that this was a somewhat weak ep, even though it made me laugh out loud several times. My favorite parts were Kenzi with the fire extinguisher (great photo) and the expression on her face when she saw the assassin take off his head. Even this early, I loved Kenzi. I like Bo tremendously, too. And I like that this show is a buddy story with two women, too.

  2. Agreed. Not a great episode, but fun nonetheless. Like most Lost Girl episodes the best thing about it was the excellent banter between Bo and Kenzi.


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