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News from Comic-Con

2013’s San Diego Comic-Con is shaping up to be a massive news-a-palooza, with casting news, spoilers, and lots of tantalizing hints about our favorite shows. Although it is too much for one lone Doux Newsie to cover, it’s not too much for all of us working together. We're like the Agents of D.O.U.X.

Use this thread to include the information you’re most excited about from this year’s Comic-Con. But if you spoil me on the “surprise Whedonverse cameo” in the SHIELD premiere, I’ll sic the Spoiler Kitten on you.

To get the ball rolling, here are some of the tidbits I’m most excited about:

HIMYM’s Cobie Smulders will return to the SHIELD universe as Agent Maria Hill. The full panel is available for viewing here.

• Naveen Andrews will play Jafar in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.

• The Walking Dead panel is available here.

• The Hannibal panel is here.

• The panel for the new JJ Abrams/Josh Holloway mid-season show Intelligence is here.

Game of Thrones mourns its dead here. What is dead can never die!

And best of all, here’s the Official Veronica Mars Comic-Con Sneak Peak. Turns out Neptune, CA really does sit on top of a Hellmouth.


  1. The announcement that has me excited is that there will not be a Man of Steel 2, but instead they are going ahead with an attempt at expanding the DC Universe with a Batman/Superman movie in 2015. Then a Flash movie the year after, followed by Justice League in 2017.

    Batman/Superman a reality

  2. Is someone going to reveal what D.O.U.X. stands for or is it classified?

  3. If we can't think of something cool that it stands for, it's classified. :)

  4. I'll contribute the word xylophone and let the rest of you work the other letters out.

  5. My favorite Comic Con bits so far have been the news that Mythbusters is doing a show on Breaking Bad's "crystal myths." It will premiere Aug. 12, the day after the season premiere. A fun teaser trailer can be found at EW.

    And I rather loved the video that CBS put together for How I Met Your Mother with Ted's future kids cursing him out for making them sit on that darn couch for 8 years. You can find it at TV Line.

  6. Jess, I agree with you about the HIMYM video. For anyone who's watched most of that series it really is hilarious.

    I loved that so many X-Men stars showed up for their panel (the picture makes it look like they had to add on to the stage). I wish I could find video of Ian McKellen talking about prop 8 and then "proposing" to Michael Fassbender...

    I also liked the Sherlock video:

    The Catching Fire trailer is getting me excited for the movie:

    The Veronica Mars trailer/teaser was also really funny and makes me think I should start that series so I'll be caught up when the movie comes out:

    And finally I enjoyed the BBC video of Matt Smith walking the comic-con floor with a Bart Simpson mask on. Thos people he talked to are going to freak out when they see it:

    Whew! That was a lot...

  7. "Neptune High really does sit on a Hellmouth."

    That one comment just took away a good chunk of my dislike for Piz. I am so excited about this movie.



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