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New Shows: December 22 - 28, 2013

As the year draws to a close, the number of new shows is slowing down a bit. I guess the networks understand that most of us are spending the holidays binge-watching shows that have already aired. Enjoy whatever it is that you are watching and have a very happy and safe 2014.

The New Shows color code: red means don’t bother; blue means maybe; green means good; magenta means great.

James Gandolfini: Tribute to a Friend (HBO)
A very short, very lovely piece. Many of the people with whom Gandolfini acted as well as his son talk about what he meant to them. He sounds as though he was one hell of a guy. I, obviously, didn’t know him, but I cried through this.

I Am Britney Jean (E!)


Turbo FAST (Netflix)
Based on the Dreamworks movie Turbo, this is an animated series about snails who have turbo-powered shells and, therefore, spend their time racing. It is fun and it is colorful and has the usual mild bodily function jokes I now expect to find in any children’s programing. Harmless enough for your kids, Netflix has released a few episodes with more to follow.

A New York Christmas to Remember (CBS)




Marvin Hamlisch: What He Did For Love (PBS)
What a treat! Recently, I told you all to watch a documentary about Sondheim. This week, I got to spend ninety minutes with another god of musical theater. If you are at all interested in music, musical theater, or Broadway, make sure you watch this.

$ellebrity (Showtime)
A documentary about the rise of the paparazzi. I found this to be harrowing, but fascinating. Told from the point of view of photographers, editors, and celebrities, it is a balanced and fair account of the practice. Worth watching simply for the section on what the magazines do to the photographs they receive. No wonder so many women have body image issues. What they are comparing themselves to is fiction.

What We Wasted Our Year On (NBC)
I was originally going to watch this, but my DVR decided not to record it. From what I could find of it online, it appears as though it doesn’t really matter as much of what this show covered was already covered by the shows I reviewed last week. Frankly, I’ve had enough of Mylie and the Harlem Shake.

Golden Sisters 2013 Countdown: Best Pop Culture Moments (OWN)
Secret Wedding (TLC)
Sounding Off: The 2013 Year in Music (E!)

Sex Sent Me to the ER (TLC)

DON’T FORGET: Set your DVR for Community, Thursday, January 2 at 8:00 on NBC.

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