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About the Buffy rewatch...

Last May, we started a Buffy rewatch here on Doux Reviews. It started out great -- there were 64 comments just on the announcement post, and a lot of people participated in the beginning. We continued into the fall with one Buffy and one Angel episode each week. And it got pretty quiet. We probably should have stopped at the end of the summer.

So I'm considering recommencing the rewatch starting in June. I was thinking that we could do Buffy season five and the corresponding Angel season two, with new episodes posted, say, Tuesday and Saturday. It would run for eleven weeks, and stop. If it works out and there is participation, we could maybe do Buffy season six and Angel three next summer.

Is anyone interested in participating? Does this schedule work for you? Please post a comment. If there really isn't much in the way of interest, I will reluctantly drop the idea.


  1. Count me in. Looking forward to picking it back up.

  2. Me too! Thanks for considering it, Billie.

  3. My life isn't so hectic now. Maybe I could actually participate this time!

  4. Season 5 is my favorite season of Buffy. I'd love to re-watch with you guys! :)

  5. Moi Aussi - I'd love to recommence and like Austin, I'm hoping my life will be less hectic.

  6. I only ever have time to pop in every now and again, but it would be great to see it back!

  7. Billie, I would have to watch the first four seasons, but maybe I can binge watch to catch up.

  8. Let's do it, then! It certainly feels like we have a quorum. We'll begin on TUESDAY, JUNE 3 with first episodes of season 5 of Buffy and season 2 of Angel.

  9. Excellent gif usage, Lamounier.

    I just have a few episodes to catch up on and then I'm in too! :)

  10. Yippee! Really looking forward to it.

    Lamounier -- great post!

  11. Yay! looking forward to it! It's nice to be watching things at around the same time as everyone else. I'm usually at least a week behind on the new shows.

  12. I am on Season one episode 8 after a week of watching. However, the 12 yo daughter is slowing me down by wanting to watch the beginning. I should be able to get several in a week and hopefully will be caught up quickly.

  13. I discovered the grand thing called Supernatural this April, and lost about five months to this rather glorious new obsession, but I was really enjoying catching up on the rewatch posts before that, and I'll certainly try to stay current in the future!

  14. Please continue the rewatch next summer! I never got quite caught up, but I am closer.I should be there by the time summer Rolls around again.


We love comments! We moderate because of spam and trolls, but don't let that stop you! It’s never too late to comment on an old show, but please don’t spoil future episodes for newbies.