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Doo Nyws: Awgüst 10, 2014

This Week: New Terminator Title – Not Dead Yet – Into the Woods Teaser – This Week in Casts – Joss Whedon Bio – The Imitation Game – Books on Screen – This Week in X-Cats

New Terminator Title

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former bodybuilder and governor of California, made the internet giggle ruefully this week by Tweeting a glimpse of the title of the upcoming fifth installment in the Terminator franchise: Terminator: Genisys.

Entertainment Weekly was not amused. Well, it was sort of amused, and it created a list of 101 other possible titles for the film. My favorite is Terminator: The Timeline Definitely Won’t Make Sense Ever Again, although I would encourage them to change the spelling a bit more to make it clear that SkyNet’s real power is their ability to overcome autocorrect.

Not Dead Yet

Sean Bean, best known for dying often, did a Reddit AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) this week, and it’s worth reading just for the rollicking responses to a bunch of questions about food and, of course, who would win in a fight between Boromir and Ned Stark. One of the funniest lines is Bean’s attempt to promo his upcoming show Legends, which premieres on Wednesday, August 20th: “It's a fun show that will get you through the rest of the summer until Game of Thrones comes back. Also I don't die.”

Into the Woods Teaser

This Week in Casts

Blair Brown (Fringe) will appear in the third season of Orange is the New Black.

Claire Holt (The Originals) will join David Duchovny’s Charles-Manson miniseries Aquarius.

Krysten Ritter (Breaking Bad) will guest-star on The Blacklist.

David Zayas (Dexter, my Starbucks) will have a recurring role on Gotham.

Natalie Zea (Justified) will star in the upcoming ABC drama Members Only, which premieres midseason.

Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey) will guest-star on Galavant, an upcoming “fairytale-themed musical comedy” from ABC.

Michael St. Patrick (Six Feet Under) will have a recurring role on Sons of Anarchy’s last season.

Kyle Maclachlan (Special Agent Dale Cooper) will appear in the second season of Agents of SHIELD. Click the link for the spoilery info about the character he will play.

Yvette Nicole Brown (Community) will have a recurring role on the upcoming CBS remake of The Odd Couple.

Clancy Brown (!) will join The Flash in a recurring role this fall.

Joss Whedon Bio

Is Joss Whedon your master? Then you might enjoy the new biography of his Jossiness, written by Amy Pascale with a foreword by Nathan Fillion. Excerpts have been sneaking onto the interwebs all week (you can’t stop the signal!), and so far include a beautiful letter from Tom Hiddleston thanking Joss for writing such wonderful Loki, and in-depth information about how Joss cast Firefly.

The Imitation Game

Books on Screen

M. Night Shyamalan, master of twists, is helming the TV version of Blake Crouch’s Wayward Pines, which is the first in a trilogy. Shyamalan promises that the 10-episode “event” will answer all of your questions, but we can hope Wayward Pines will be one of those deserving shows that manages to earn a second season, just like Under the Dome.

In better SF news, SyFy is developing Ghost Brigades, based on John Scalzi’s Hugo-winning novel The Old Man’s War, which is quite fun and very Heinleinesque. Scalzi has hit it big recently: his novel Redshirts is also in development for FX.

Jennifer Lee
, who wrote a little movie called Frozen, has begun to work on the script for a live-action film adaptation of Madelaine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time.

This Week in X-Cats

Josie Kafka is a full-time cat servant and part-time rogue demon hunter. (What's a rogue demon?)


  1. I'm about half way through the Whedon biography. It's well written and I am enjoying it, but I haven't had that wow moment yet.

    A Wrinkle in Time is one of my favorites. Something to look forward to.

  2. Clancy Brown on The Flash? They're pulling out the big guns, aren't they?

    I thought Claire Holt left The Originals because she was pining for the fjords a.k.a. homesick for Australia. That was a lie, wasn't it? Not that The Originals will suffer much since they have Daniel Gillies.

  3. I know Twin Peaks came first and is SFF, but Kyle Maclachlan will always and forever be Trey McDougall.

  4. So far "Imitation game" looks good. They'd better show Turing as the tragic hero he really was.
    Clancy Brown-on the Flash-yes!
    The second season of Agents is sounding better and better.

  5. BTW, loved what you did with the title of this issue, Josie. For a moment, I thought it was supposed to be in Welsh.

  6. I'm about half way through the Whedon biography. It's well written and I am enjoying it, but I haven't had that wow moment yet.

    Yeah, Chris. That's the same feeling I had reading the online excerpts.

    Clancy Brown on The Flash? They're pulling out the big guns, aren't they?

    Billie, I thought of you when I added that casting notice.

    Also, I think Doux News in Welsh is Dwyll Nllywyws.


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