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Sleepy Hollow: Kindred Spirits

"He wants a bride and he wants one now."

What did this episode mean? That the course of true love never runs smooth? That the possibility of an Ichabod/Abbie romantic relationship is as dry as a desert?

So it's back in the supernatural battle against evil saddle again for Abbie, this time to handle the dangling plot thread that was the Kindred. He was out there slicing and dicing couples because he wanted a honey of his own. Yes, it's Franklin-stein and his bride, and honestly, if they had to do this to us, couldn't we have gotten flashbacks to Timothy Busfield as Franklin? Instead, we got doll pieces, monster decoupage, an awesome glass harmonica, and a stitched together woman who looked like an extra on The Walking Dead.

Unsurprisingly, the Kindred managed to put the final nail in the coffin of Ichabod's nascent romantic relationship with Miss Zoe Corinth, who at least managed to survive the episode, unlike the rest of Ichabod's honeys. That would make me happy if there were even the slightest hint that Ichabod and Abbie were moving toward the possibility of being a couple, but instead, she's having trouble adjusting to real life again. She's not sleeping. Is she not eating much, either? Is her physical condition in the Catacombs hanging on, somehow? Is that why she unconsciously drew that symbol from the Catacombs in her own blood while she and Ichabod were playing chess?

And why is Abbie back at the FBI? I still don't think the FBI works on this show, other historical successes notwithstanding. When Sophie told Danny Reynolds that he needed to tell Abbie how important she was to him, I thought, what is Sophie? A walking plot device?

Speaking of unsuccessful couples bound for a break-up, the Hidden One thinks love is trivial and he actually told Pandora, "Your bounty is of no consequence." Which means he sees Pandora herself as inconsequential. Yes, the fact that he is just using her is now as obvious as it could possibly be, so we're being hit over the head with this plot point so that no one will be surprised when Pandora actually turns on him.

Hey, at least the Hidden One remotely exploded the Kindred and Kindress into pieces. It's bad enough that Ichabod and Abbie misplaced their monster in the first place, but what if the monster couple had broken up and he'd started killing again?

Bits and pieces:

-- Jenny is carrying around her father's lighter, and Joe suggested that she might not want to do what he did, as in being so stubborn that he missed his last chance at spending time with his own father.

-- Let's add "playing the glass harmonica" to our list of Joe Corbin's many skills.

-- Our favorite Sleepy Hollow restaurant, Colonial Times, has an "Early Burr Special."

-- Have I mentioned that I love Abbie's natural hair? I love Abbie's natural hair.

-- The flashbacks gave us Ichabod meeting Betsy for the first time, and her first attempt at misleading him by giving him the wrong meeting time. The outfits they wore to the opera were quite honestly the best part of the flashbacks. No year was given. I wonder why?


Abbie: "You're my Wilson. Which is why it's a little bit upsetting that you killed all my house plants. "
Ichabod: "Yes, now, let it be known that in my time I have cultivated medicinal herb gardens, myriad vegetable patches, and in fact once even an entire orchard of monkey puzzle, and not one of them has been as recondite as your spiderwort variation."
Abbie: "Two words, Crane: Miracle Gro."

Zoe: "I really didn't think you were the ghosting type."
Ichabod: "Well, no, I try not to be. But they always seem to find their way into my path."

Abbie: "Hey, you sitting down?"
Ichabod: "Oh, no. I am standing the length of two men, Lieutenant, for I am bringing the desert climate to our mid-Atlantic abode. It is nonsensical, it is quite unnatural, and yet because I want it, it is so. The beauty of America."

Abbie: "Walking and texting? You have officially assimilated."

Ichabod: "Well, that was odd."
I couldn't believe they showed the Kindred and Kindress kissing. Come on. He doesn't even have lips.

Abbie: "Speaking of home, is this new Tex Mex decor really our new normal?"
Ichabod: "We're a succulent family now."
If only.

Not quite what I wanted. Two out of four inappropriate succulents,

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh. Dump him, Pandora.
    Well at least we sorted out where Zoe went.
    Abbie/Ichabod are so cute and made for each other. Loving Abbie's real hair.
    This was okay, but we need better writing.


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