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NewsFlash: Outlander Will End With Season Eight

It had to happen sometime, but I'm not sure I'm ready. It was just announced that Outlander will end with season eight.

To be clear, season seven hasn't even aired yet. Its 16 episodes will begin airing this summer, 2023. Season eight will be 10 episodes. So that's two more seasons, another 26 episodes. How could anyone complain about that?

And I'm not. Not really. I just have questions.

The television series has been remarkably faithful to Diana Gabaldon's book series, almost to a fault. I'm sure that happened because the book series has millions of fans, including me. The thing is, book nine, Go Tell the Bees That I am Gone, is the penultimate book, and it just came out last year. There will be a tenth and final book. Gabaldon's books are not short and they usually take years for her to write.

So I have a math problem. Gabaldon is very much involved in the production of the television series. But can they give us the end that Gabaldon planned when she hasn't written it yet? I'm pretty deeply invested in both the book and television series, and I'm worried about the timing.

What do you all think? Are you confident we'll get a worthy ending that will wind up the story? Or not?

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. I'm definitely very conflicted. I never wanted it to drag on until quality issues forced a cancellation, but it's also very hard to say goodbye to the Frasers. I am looking forward to both the final two seasons and the last book. I'm sure they'll do an amazing job!

  2. This is odd!

    Are their viewership numbers down? Because my decision to pause Outlander was impacted by needing to pay for Starz...but that season still isn't on Netflix, which I assume gave Starz a lot of money.

  3. Gabaldon has confirmed that she knows how the books are ending since she first started writing them and she will be very involved in the last season. I am mostly concerned that in order to get to her ending they will have to cut down a lot on what happens in the last three books, the two already published and the third that she is currently writing.
    There is also one assumption that it was decided to finish with the eighth book because it doesn't end in a cliffhanger like the others and it could make a beautiful ending to the series, with a future movie when book 10 is published.
    No matter what, I have a lot of faith on the producers and Gabaldon coming up with the best solution.

  4. I'm getting the impression from Diana Gabaldon's twitter feed that she hasn't even started writing book ten and that the television series will end with book eight. Some book fans are going nuts.


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