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Doux Top Twenty! Number 6: 24

24 is number 6 in the Doux Top Twenty. And this is the one show on the list that completely surprised me.

It’s not that 24 isn’t a great show; it is. The minute-by-minute as-it-happens format was groundbreaking when it aired (2001-2010), and I watched its entire run back then. But my reviews are relatively recent, and they’re season reviews as well.

Our coverage of 24 began in May of 2014 when the reboot, 24: Live Another Day, aired and ChrisB, Samantha Quinn and I decided to take turns reviewing all twelve individual episodes.

Four years later (2018), I was in the mood for a 24 rewatch and decided I might as well do season reviews, give us some coverage. I finished the reviews a couple of months later, and I was relatively proud of them. They were comprehensive and detailed, and I came up with a format specifically for 24 and stuck with it. The show is practically made for streaming and seeing it all in the space of a couple of months made it fun to write about, too.

Around 2020, I noticed that those 24 season reviews were getting a lot of traffic. I have no idea why, or where it was coming from. (I don’t get along with Google Analytics and we’ve decided to see other people.)

So here you go. 24 is the unexpected number 6 in our Doux Top Twenty. Who knew?

Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. This is a surprise! I'd been so curious about the stealth top-ten show, and I never would have guessed this one.

    I watched the first season of 24 shortly after it aired, and a few episodes of the second season. Then I realized that I didn't actually care about what happened; I'm just really susceptible to cliffhangers. Maybe I'll give it another try some day!

    1. Josie, I could be wrong, but I don't think 24 is the show for you.

      It's my opinion that five is the best season, and that's partly because of Jean Smart and Gregory Itzen. Each season is an individual story. Maybe try season five?

    2. I hit publish too quickly. Smart and Itzen were both nominated for an Emmy for season five, and while 24 is definitely a guy show, there's a strong feminist vibe that runs through this particular season.

  2. I remember watching part of the first series of this, but I gave up on it, mainly because (and this was a Big Deal at the time) it was essentially a Glorify Torture Method and Islamophobia of the Week show. Not that I'm squeamish (much), but it was definitely sending the wrong political message at precisely the wrong time.

    There were a number of things I stopped listening to and watching in those days. This was an easy call.

    1. And I do talk about that stuff in my reviews. But I totally understand not watching for that reason, NomadUK.

  3. Why didn't you guys do episode reviews for 24 instead of just season reviews?

    1. Anonymous, mostly because I didn't have the stamina to write 207 reviews when I was doing so much other writing. It's also difficult to distinguish one episode from another, but easy to do with seasons. It just felt like the thing to do.

  4. > 24 is the unexpected number 6 in our Doux Top Twenty. Who knew?

    I never would have guessed. Both because I didn't know this show had such a staying power, and also because straight action is not what we typically cover here.

    I loved season two. The nuclear bomb followed by the Cyprus recording storyline. Good times.


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