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Forever Knight: Blackwing

"It's Indian legend time."

This week, we'll see what happens when you mix Native American mysticism with vampires.

Back in the 90s, there was a fascination with Native American spiritualism. Whatever show you were watching, there was at least one episode diving into the mysterious lore of indigenous people.

This may sound inappropriate, but I honestly think it was the result of genuine curiosity. As a culture, Americans were starting to explore the culture of our indigenous neighbors more deeply than ever before. We did a pretty lousy job sometimes, but every journey begins with a small step.

The most embarrassing part of these episodes is how often Native Americans are imbued with magical powers. In what I honestly think was an attempt to portray them with respect and admiration, we sometimes ended up portraying indigenous people as mystical hermits rather than people.

Also, they knew aliens. Smallville, Roswell, and The X-Files all merged Native American folklore with ancient alien theories. Again, I honestly don't think the writers were trying to be disrespectful, even if these portrayals are problematic.

True to 90s form, we open with a Native American spirit walk. (There was one on Star Trek: Voyager, too.) Apparently you can kill someone in one of those. Not an easy case for a detective in the real world.


Vachon signed a treaty a few centuries ago that should help a local tribe get fair treatment today, and it's one of the only things you'll ever see him care about. He usually ignores anything going on around him, but this one is important enough that he attends a protest in near daylight.

Little Bites:

-Vampire Lore: Nick can't touch the ceremonial knife, just like it was a crucifix. Also, healers and medicine men might be able to sense the evil lurking in a vampire.

-Tracy was a Girl Guide, which is like the Girl Scouts. No one is surprised.

-Natalie doesn't like the idea of Nick getting mystical help for vampirism, because she says his condition is not a metaphysical one. That lines up with her experience, but season three is going in a different direction, and his vampirism is definitely going to be portrayed as something metaphysical.

Final Analysis: Hard to follow and includes some uncomfortable portrayals. Two out of five obsidian knives.

Adam D. Jones is a writer, historian, and undefeated cat wrestler.

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