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Forever Knight: Jane Doe

"You don't know what it's like, Nick, living with the idea that you could have changed history but you didn't."

This episode brings us a darkly compelling case from Reese's past, but it's saddled with an eye-rolling flashback. Buckle up.

The gruesome murder of a black woman and the disgusting way the killer saunters around as a free man is going to make your blood boil. And Captain Reese is on the warpath since the murderer happens to be his old nemesis. Anger radiates through the screen.

Jordan Manning's ideas of race wars and prejudice are horrifying, but sadly realistic. I've met people who truly believe black people and white people are trapped in an actual, ongoing war. It's obviously a very dangerous way of thinking, and borders on insanity.

It's compelling to see Reese doggedly chase down his foe, not relenting until he's found the evidence he needs. My only beef is that he doesn't obtain the evidence legally, and technicalities like that are how this scumbag got out of jail in the first place.


Nick meets Hitler on a train.

Little Bites:

-I, for one, would not recognize cotton flowers, either. Blu Mankuma's delivery of "They're cotton flowers, Nick!" is truly convicting.

-Watching Tracy and Natalie solve the case brought the coroner's part of the job into the light for us, which is nice. Normally that stuff happens off screen.

-Why are Nick and La Croix on a train? Can't they fly? Why did they have to accept these terrible accommodations La Croix is complaining about when they don't need trains and aren't in any danger?

-A bouncing train is not an ideal place to shave. That scene feels a little insulting, because my cats had already figured out the guy was Hitler. Did the writers think we were going to be surprised?

-The train scene is an interesting study in acting. Not every actor is using the same method of pretending to be bounced around in the cabin, which is amusing to watch.

Final Analysis: Tough one to judge. I actually enjoy most of the contemporary investigation, but running into Hitler is just plain silly. On the other hand, watching Joe Reese punch a racist in the face provides some satisfaction. Three out of five fallen teddy bears.

Adam D. Jones is a writer, musician, and medievalist who feels a kinship for vampires because his sensitive eyes that make it difficult to go outside during the day.

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