Dan Owen at Dan's Media Digest wrote:
I feel like I'm beginning to rate the success of Heroes purely on how much happens in an episode, how quickly, and how well it keeps me entertained. See, if I rate it on storytelling complexity or my emotional connection to events, it's still barely working at all. "The Art Of Deception" was better than last week's dross because it had more relevance to the season's storyline, and there were a few scenes I rather enjoyed, but that's about as upbeat as I can get about Heroes now, as it plods towards it finale... (For the entire review, click here.)
Madison at Unreality Mag wrote a fairly positive review:
This week’s episode, “The Art of Deception,” lived up to its title. Samuel, Noah, and Parkman were featured prominently, and each of them acted deceptively in one way or another. Overall, it was a pretty strong episode and added some new twists to the overall story arc. (For the entire review, click here.)
While Matt Richenthal at TV Fanatic had a less positive slant:
This week's episode of Heroes focused on one undeniable fact: Every character is a complete and utter moron. (For the entire review, click here.)
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