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Person of Interest: Identity Crisis

“It’s a terrible plan. But I like it, so let’s do it.”

This was a great episode. This is what happens when you manage your time well, writers. You can make time for a decent story of the week plot, new character development, Reese and Finch moments, and a super hilarious High Finch.

High Finch was definitely the best thing this show has ever done. It was so, so funny. Maybe a bit over the top, but I’m willing to sacrifice some believability for humor. For a minute I thought he was faking, that he had some master plan to get out of the situation. But no, he just wanted to watch the pretty lights in the microwave and play with his glasses. It was great seeing someone as controlled and tightly wound as Finch really let loose.

The scene at the end was extremely interesting. High Finch was willing to tell Reese (who he apparently mistook for Ingram) anything. He was literally begging Reese to ask him a question, but Reese refused the temptation. It did seem to take him a few seconds to make up his mind, however. The Reese/Finch relationship seems to be gradually healing. Reese called him “Harold” more than once this ep.

Like I said, the story of the week was decent. It was rather obvious that female Jordan was the fake one. Why would anyone work as a grunt in a bar if they were making a fortune dealing drugs? Plus, it makes for a much more compelling story to put Finch in danger. Reese can take care of himself.

At least the writers took time for more character development. We heard how frustrated the real Jordan Hester was and how he’d given up attempting to convince people he wasn’t a drug dealer. Kyle Morrison, fake Jordan’s other featured victim, expressed similar feelings. The name “Hester” is a reference to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, where Hester Prynne is branded with a scarlet ‘A,’ marking her as an adulteress and a pariah. Like Hester Prynne, Jordan Hester and Kyle Morrison are branded as bad people and forced to deal with societal rejection.

I really thought Carter would be back by the end of the episode, but apparently it’s not going to be that easy. She’s already softening to the idea of returning, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. While she’s away pondering the morality of the situation, poor Fusco is being stretched too thin by Reese. Unlike Carter, Fusco seems genuinely dedicated to his Machine-related work. He just wishes Reese would let him out of his HR responsibilities. In his scene with Kyle Morrison, he shared his frustration at his long road to redemption. Fusco wants to be good, but in order to be good he has to be a dirty cop. It has to be hard for him.

Bits and Pieces:

The way Caviezel said “Spartan” sounded so Bostonian, I had to Wiki him to see where he’s from. Like Reese, he hails from Washington State. This does not explain why he seems to think the word is pronounced “Spahtan.” It totally reminded me of Faith in "Revelations" (BtVS Season 3).

Bird alias of the week: Harold Crow.

The curtain on Finch is lifted little by little. Now we know he is a fan of Kafka and of Raymond Chandler.

On our fake Jordan’s attempted clean up of her apartment: who has that many towels?

The financial statement they showed was from TruPrime, the same bank featured in "Legacy."


“Never understood why people put all their information on those sites. Used to make our job a lot easier in the CIA.”
“Of course. That’s why I created them.”
Deleting Facebook page now.

“You ever work an identity theft case?”

“Every arrest I ever made. They all say I got the wrong guy.”
Carter is so cute when she makes a joke.

“Jordan? Are you on a first name basis already?”
“No, I’m just tired of using pronouns.”
And we’re tired of hearing them.

“I know exactly how you feel. Everyone’s got you wrong. Everyone thinks you’re something you’re not and you got no way to change their mind.”
Oh Fusco, I do love you, despite your horrible grammar.

“Meandering exposition is kind of my thing.”
No kidding.

Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens. Published 1864-65. The plot turns on a case of concealed identity! How ironic.”
I loved the way he was shouting by the end of this. Why can’t Finch be high every episode?

Four out of four very high Finches


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. High Finch was one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. Loved it.

    But, the scene at the end was lovely character development. I was so pleased that Reese didn't ask him questions he knew Finch wouldn't want to answer. And, I believe that the reason Finch called Reese "Nathan" was that he feels close, at least on some level, to someone again.

  3. Ben Linus on ecstasy. LMAO. Mister Emerson ? Regardless if you're in the middle of a green, natural jungle, or a cement and steel one, you are amazing !

    When I saw Kafka'a book, I thought of.....yes, Josie LOL

    When I saw the 2 thugs following Jordan, I knew she was the fake one.

    An excellent episode. Top notch. Really, really happy to have plunged into this show. No turning back now.

    And it bugged me for a while : I did see Sarah Wynter somewhere else. Oh yes ! The Dead like me DVD movie (thanks imbd). A totally different character from this.

  4. I loved the ID theft cop making a bust in the middle of talking to Lionel, and having him make the final collar on Jordan.

  5. I'm doing a series-long rewatch right now (my first time rewatching the series!) And I was just so struck by how important this episode is for the Reese/Finch relationship. Not only does Reese take care of Harold when he's high, giving him water, and staying to watch over him, he refuses to question him. An open invitation to have all of his questions answered, to have every mystery revealed, but Reese knows that that's not what the real, sober Harold would want and refrains. He puts Finch first. It's not the first time (he tried to keep Finch safe by warning him off rescuing him when he got shot earlier in the season), but for some reason it's the most striking to me.

  6. My first time through the series. Flying Finch was hilarious!

    Question for the intertubes, assume I missed it - why was the apartment wet? Yes, sprinklers went off, but before Finch played with the microwave.

  7. "Identity Crisis" is the last so-so episode of Season 1. Its main plot is twisty, but it falls flat in the same way "Reasonable Doubt" does-none of the twists will land if the characters involved aren't compelling to begin with-and unfortunately for "Identity Crisis", they aren't. As usual though, there is some excellence to be found here. As sunbunny noted above, this episode is a very important episode in Reese and Finch's burgeoning friendship. That's one of the main strengths of Season 1 that often goes overlooked when discussing its weaknesses-it really does a superb job at laying the groundwork for future greatness.

    2.5 out of 4.


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