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Summer 2017 Premiere Dates

No more pencils no more books
No more teacher's dirty looks yeah
Well we got no class
And we got no principals
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes
School's out for summer
School's out forever

--Alice Cooper

Friday, May 12

Master of None
Anne with an E

Friday, May 19

12 Monkeys
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Sunday, May 21

Twin Peaks

Sunday, May 27


Thursday, June 1


Sunday, June 4

Fear the Walking Dead

Friday, June 9

Orange is the New Black
Dark Matter
Wynona Earp

Saturday, June 10

Orphan Black

Thursday, June 22

The Mist

Sunday, June 25


Sunday, July 16

Game of Thrones
The Strain

Friday, June 30


Friday, August 18

Marvel’s The Defenders

Friday, August 25

The Tick

Josie Kafka is a full-time cat servant and part-time rogue demon hunter. (What's a rogue demon?)


  1. Thanks for always having this list; it's so helpful. I thought I would mention a couple more shows: Dark Matter - June 9 and Killjoys - June 30. Thanks again.

  2. Oh sorry. Just noticed you already had Dark Matter. Oh well. :)

  3. I'm so glad you find it helpful, Anonymous! My reasons are mostly selfish: I like having all the premiere dates that matter (to me) in an easy-to-find link on our homepage. :-)

    I added Killjoys, too.

  4. Just started watching Anne with an E and while it started slowly, it son made me very teary at times. Seems like they are going to portray everything from the books.

    Yay! 12 Monkeys marathon starts tomorrow, I'm excited... what a great show. Fargo is also off to a great start. Goodbye to Bates Motel. I'm going to miss Norman and Mother in all her guises.

  5. Excited for Unbreakable Kimmy. Season two was excellent.

    I would say excited for Orphan Black too, but apart from season one every season starts great and has some standouts but then kind of disappoints. I'm hopeful, though, that they can deliver a powerful conclusion to the story.


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