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The Originals: Ne Me Quitte Pas

"I thought I was the only one."

After last week's fiasco, I kept putting off watching this... what a mistake.

This episode was so much better than that.

To say that an Elijahcentric episode would go over well should come as no shock to anyone. He is as much a central character as anyone and not just the north star to Klaus but for Rebekah and Hayley as well. He has spent a thousand years putting his brother and their family above all else. I'd say he was overdue for a fit of selfishness. And I appreciated that we got a whole hour to find out how this new Elijah came to be.

Waking up on a bus with no memories is infinitely more interesting than Kol eloping with Davina or Rebekah going on shopping sprees or even Klaus killing his way across Europe so I appreciate getting the whole story. Meeting the mysterious Antoinette was the beginning of a new Elijah. He did tell Klaus that 'Elijah Mikaelson is DEAD.' Will he give himself a new name after his baptism by fire? For now, I'll call him New Elijah. As much fun as it was meeting this new Elijah, it was great that it didn't feel too far off from what we already know, right? For instance, anytime I see him in anything but a suit, I feel a little off kilter. But without the memories of the atrocities he committed behind the red door, there was no need for him to keep up with his OCD. Without the memory of making his always and forever vow, whatever promises he's made to Antoinette take priority.

I know, I know. In the past, I may have threatened violence if Haylijah didn't find their ways back to each other. But Elijah looked so very happy in his tiny French bar. And don't we want him to find happiness?

It seemed like Antionette recognized Elijah when she first saw him. I only bring it up because it's a testament to the layered acting Jaime Murray gave us. Hats off to you, lady! If they were going to try and sell us on different love interests for Hayley and Elijah, I'm glad I like Antoinette more than Declan. Well that's unfair since we don't really even know Declan yet. Maybe I'll like him too. Here's hoping she doesn't turn out to be nefarious and break his heart. Or is that exactly what I should be hoping for? To push our beloved Elijah back to his family? Klaus did mention New Orleans, so theoretically, Elijah could pop by anytime.

4.5 out of 5 bags of pork rinds.

Bites and pieces

'Ne me quitte pas' means 'do not leave me.'

Elijah got off the bus in Sunnyvale. Not Sunnydale, as I originally read it.

I'm thankful that we never had to hear Elijah referred to as 'E.'

This episode was directed by Joseph Morgan and felt a lot shorter than I'm used to. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.

Antoinette: "I'm not big on audiences. So unless you want to die, I suggest you run."

Antoinette: "I have a name, too."
Elijah: "Oh, I'm sorry."
Antoinette: "Antoinette."
Elijah: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Antoinette."

Klaus: "Your name is Elijah Mikaelson. You may not remember yourself or your family but we need your help. We are in crisis. I've come to take you back to New Orleans."


  1. This felt like closure for Elijah and apart from the series finale he might not appear any more in the show. At least that's how I read into it.

    On the other hand the episode shows how strong the show can be when it picks just one of the plots and spends an entire episode on it instead of trying to service all characters at once.

  2. Loved this episode. I have always found Elijah a far more interesting character than his screen time until now provided. I loved that he was what I expected from a Michaelson-free version and the scenes with the two brothers were brilliant. Hoping he isn't gone after the Phoenix bit. He deserves happiness.

  3. The episode did an excellent job of making me care about Antoinette..By the time Klaus appeared i feared for her life but she managed to make it out of this one.

  4. I expect the title is a reference to the Jacques Brel song, Ne Me Quitte Pas .

  5. I'd completely spaced out the white oak thing. For a minute, I thought Elijah was gone gone. Fortunately, the internet knows everything.

    This episode reminded me that there has never been enough Elijah in this series, and that if that was his swan song, if he is now out of the series, I'm a lot less interested in the rest of season five. Although if this is it, it is rather nice to think about him living a quiet, happy life in France with Antoinette, far, far away from Klaus.


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