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Roswell, New Mexico: Two Sparrows in a Hurricane

“Welcome to the 11th hour.”

Who needs subtext? Liz states at the outset this episode is all about what people will do for love.

In honor of Liz’s explicitness, we’re going to switch up the format and explore each character through the lens of her opening monologue.

If Liz was walking a precipice, she may have already fallen. She always said she’d risk everything for her family. She knew she could die or, and possibly worse, she might not find a scientific solution when she needed it. The idea she could lose her grasp of science and it would be her fault never occurred to her. Liz’s intellect has always defined her.

However, the fall may not be as deadly as she feared. Liz refuses to be the things she accused Max of being. She allows him to face his demons despite the danger it puts him in, and despite her failing memory, she’s determined to fight in whatever form is still available to her.

On one hand, Max is the most consistent character in the show. Max’s love for Liz and the rest of the Pod Squad and his commitment to protect them has never wavered. However, his fears have toyed with his concept of how best to accomplish the latter. To be fair, choosing between protecting the Pod Squad from Clyde’s delusions of grandeur and not incinerating your girlfriend when you touch her doesn’t exactly offer a win-win scenario. Given that half the Pod Squad is locked in a pocket dimension with the aforementioned Clyde, he’s run out of options. Getting his powers back and learning to control its destructive and creative forces may be the Pod Squad’s only hope.

Shivani truly has sold her soul for her daughter. Any pretense She made towards legitimate scientific inquiry (or rationality) has vanished. Shivani will use her money to acquire whatever she believes she needs to revive her daughter using whatever means necessary. Did Allie leave in search of a cure or because Shivani refused to accept their daughter’s death? I doubt there is anything or anyone who could bring Shivani back at this point. And given the amount of mist she is undoubtably inhaling, I imagine her self-destruction is assured.

The narration over Kyle’s image spoke of shying away from love’s greatness. That may have been true when he first realized how he felt about Isobel, but I’m not sure it’s accurate now. I think he believes he played his hand and lost. At this point, he would rather have Isobel’s friendship than nothing.

On the other hand, the idea that love confuses Isobel is entirely accurate. She’s never had an open, honest relationship. She never told Anatsa who she truly was. And both she and Noah had their secrets. His being that he was a homicidal maniac who used her to commit multiple murders. To continue my metaphor, with Kyle, all her cards are on the table. Choosing to be with him leaves her vulnerable in ways she may not be prepared for. Confusion or no, it looks like she’s finally willing to try.

The narration over Alex and Michael images has to be taken as a whole. Since it is a single fact that is driving their two very different approaches. The radiation of the pocket dimension is deadly to humans, and they don’t know of a way out. Alex has always been a pragmatist, and he understands his time is limited. Being at death’s door gives him clarity. If he is to leave this world, he wants to do it as Michael’s husband.

For all his bluster, Michael is a walking, talking, beating heart. Michael may want to marry Alex with every fiber of his being. However, a wedding in a storm-filled pocket dimension feels like a capitulation. Alex may have made his peace with death, but Michael rages against the dying of that light. Alex can’t die. And if they’re going to marry, then Sanders is going to be there in his tux, dammit! By sheer force of will, Michael gets them out of the pocket dimension. We’ll soon see if wedding bells are chiming.

Neither Maria nor Dallas was included in the opening monolog. Neither has had much of a love life this season. Or am I wrong? When Sonya asks Maria who she’s closest to, she appeared to Dallas. I honestly thought it would be Michael. If it wasn’t her best friend (who she slept with), it would be her former lover she claimed to love, right? Wrong! I know she and Dallas had grown closer, but her ability to converse with him across dimensions speaks of a more intimate relationship than online chess and perfect pours of bourbon would suggest. Just one more thing we won’t get to explore. Sorry, I know I'm beating a dead horse. I won’t mention it again.

The Dark Triad was not included either, which is a shame because they are very much a part of the conversation. Tezca loved the people she trained and worked with. They were her family and Jones brainwashed her into destroying what she’d built with them. For her, the choice is obvious. The only way for her to honor the people she betrayed is to protect their children. However as noble as that desire may be I believe she had other reasons. In Tezca’s mind her death was a way to atone for the damage she wrought and a release from the guilt.

Bonnie is more than her desire for cherry cola and funnel cakes would have you believe. Bonnie was the first member of the triad to recognize Jones for the monster he was. She also understood that while Michael may not have been completely honest with her, he was a genuine friend. The Pod Squad quickly became what her triad should have been – a family. Is it any wonder she would rather suffer with them than live with the man who demands her love and loyalty even after leaving her for dead?

Speaking of Clyde, he’s finally succumbed to Jones’ delusion that power will make him beloved. He offers security, singularity of focus, and the glory of Ophiuchan philosophy for anyone willing to worship him and death to everyone else. I wonder if it was the Savior’s death or Tezca and Bonnie’s “betrayals” that pushed him from devoted follower to power hungry egomaniac. Regardless, fear does not equal love, and all the worshipers in the world won’t stave off his loneliness.

It’s high noon and the battle lines are drawn. Five whole and two partial aliens, Liz’s semi-functional brain, and Kyle’s medical knowledge pitted against a powered-up Clyde and Shivani’s money and heightened intellect. With one episode left, my money is on the Pod Squad. The only question is what they’ll have to sacrifice for the victory.

4 out of 5 Dictators in Training

Parting Thoughts:

Tanya Tucker’s 1992 hit gives this week’s episode its title.


Max: “Is this a bad time to tell you I’m ready to be less Hulk and more Captain America?”

Kyle: “I look forward to us exploring our new style of communication... later.”

Alex: “Don’t let me die without marrying you.”
Michael: “My vow is to not let you die, period.”

Tezca: “Fear leads to destruction. But if you can channel your strength, anything is possible.”

Liz: “It’s like someone drilled a hole in my head and the science fell out.”

Max: “In the history of this planet, Liz Ortecho has never failed at the science.”

Michael: “Real Roswell wasn’t dangerous enough?”
Alex: “I think that what he means is ‘Thank God. We really need help.’”

Isobel: “So I’m guessing Clyde kidnapped our little space-cult runaway?”

Kyle: “It’s all fun and games dating an alien until they’ve gotta save the universe, huh?”

Tezca: “Sorry about the whole stuffing you into a pod situation.”

Isobel: “Your father wasn’t a genocidal maniac. But he wasn’t a superhero either. He was just a man faced with an impossible decision.”

Michael: “All I ever wanted in my entire life is to make you happy.”

Alex: “I mean this with all the love in the world. Stop whining.”

Clyde: “Since we’re all here. Who wants to bend to me first?”

Shari loves sci-fi, fantasy, the supernatural, and anything with a cape.

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